Chapter 32

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Mamma disappeared inside the house and Giovanni left after I agreed we would be on the jet and everyone else stood outside Zio Alonzo's house, silent as they processed everything I had said.

"Now that I think about it this seems so obvious." Alessia breaks the tension with a smirk. "We've always known you were made differently than we are."

Leo snickers, a smile curls my lips and I feel Luca relax beside me.

"Do you remember him losing his mind over you going into his room?" Leo asks her.

Her eyes widened. "As if I could forget. He trashed my whole room. I can't smell nail polish now without thinking about him. He poured every bottle I owned on my clothes and my bed and the smell lingered for over a year even after getting all new stuff."

"You knew better." I shrugged, not feeling guilty for my retaliation in the least.

She gapes at me. "All I did was picked your lock, jumped on your bed and left the room. I didn't touch anything. What the hell were you hiding in there?"

I slip my hands in my pockets, remaining visibly nonchalant but internally feeling slightly panicked still over the thought of someone going through my things. "I stole some of my fathers clothes before his room was cleaned out. I didn't want them to be found. I didn't want anyone else touching them."

They go silent again, sympathy shining in Alessia's eyes. "I'm sorry. If I would've known I wouldn't have ever done that."

"You didn't know." I mutter.

Leo nudges Alessia with his elbow. "We should probably go say goodbye." She nods in agreement, giving me a sad smile before following him back inside Zio Alonzo's house.

I text the soldiers I had waiting and let them know to stand down, even though it should be obvious by now, and send one to collect Luca and I. They have no idea what went down between Giovanni and I, just that they were to shoot him if I gave the signal. I try to find it in myself to feel guilty for using Giovanni's men against him, he wasn't actually wrong in calling me a traitor, but I did what was necessary.

Luca's eyes meet mine, worry and sorrow darkening the hazel depths. "Ready to do this?" I ask, cocking my head.

"I don't know." He lets out a humorless laugh. "But I do know you thought of everything before revealing yourself because you always do. I know you have it handled even if they don't, I'm just here for the ride."

A grin tugs at my lips and every tense muscle in my body relaxes.

I grasp him by his chin, eating up the desire the move ignites in his eyes. "Where would I be without you?"

"You'd be fine, don't underestimate yourself." He smirks.

I shake my head. "It's you who's underestimating yourself."

The soldier pulls up in a silver car, interrupting our moment. I press a kiss against Luca's mouth and release him so we can get inside.

Our ride to the jet is quiet, both of us thinking too much over the events of the day to talk. I'm impatient waiting to hear from Franco that Polina made it to her hotel room safely but I know that won't happen for at least another two hours. When we get to the jet I send the soldier off so Giovanni doesn't kill him and we wait until the others arrive.

Giovanni and Nolani arrive ten minutes later with Nico and Nolani's two guards, Marcello and Dario. Luca and I follow them onto the jet, tension heavy in the air. We all take a seat, the cabin deadly silent. Mamma, Alessia, Leo, and Toni arrive next, filling the remaining seats.

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