Chapter 15

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After Riot guided me back downstairs he made me a sandwich, let me use the bathroom and then shackled me back to the wall in the basement. I was so emotionally drained after the incident in the bathroom that I didn't bother fighting him.

I noticed his gun weeks ago, it was always on him. I'd been tempted many times to reach for it but I'd never had the ovaries to do it. Peeing on myself while being shackled to the wall was the final straw so I went for it while he was distracted. I thought I'd feel powerful pressing the barrel to his head but I didn't. His honey eyes pierced right through me, not a single trace of fear in his gaze as he pushed the gun further against his skin and taunted me. I couldn't do it. Nausea churned in my gut and I worried I'd puke if I didn't drop the gun.

The tension between us finally snapped and he was all I could taste, smell, and feel. He devoured my mouth like he was determined to imprint himself on my taste buds forever. I had never been kissed like that before.

I was stunned when he pulled away and pressed the gun against my temple. Heat pooled between my thighs as he dragged the cool weapon against my skin. It felt way more sexual than it should. My heart stopped beating when he held it against his own temple, a devilish grin on his lips and a dangerous glint in his eyes. Fear consumed every inch of my body. The click of the empty clip felt heavy against my skin, I'm surprised I didn't flinch as if I'd been slapped.

I should have known the gun wasn't loaded.

The locks on the basement door release and the room is flooded with light, blinding me. I pinch my eyes closed as heavy boots thud against the stairs. My entire body aches from being in the same position all night, my legs weak from standing so long. Déjà vu washes over me and I realize I'm right back where I started except worse, I'm naked and I have the taste of Riot on my tongue. Even hours later I swear I could still feel his mouth on mine.

I force my eyes open, squinting as I watch Luca approach. A frown weighed heavy on his mouth, concern shining in his hazel eyes. He mutters in Italian as he releases the shackles from my wrists. I stumble forward into him, my legs giving out after holding me up all night. He scoops me up effortlessly, cradling my bare body against his warm chest. My eyes are heavy lidded as I lay my head against him and soak in the comforting aura he seems to exude. I could cry at the feeling of relief from no longer standing, my body going lax. I shift each time he takes a step and it quickly lulls me to sleep.

I wake feeling well rested, snuggling into the firm cushion beneath me. A set of muscled arms tighten their hold around me and I stiffen up, realizing I'm not lying on a cushion but a male body. My eyes pop open, flicking around the dimly lit room to see we're in the den. Luca's sitting on the couch with me cradled in his arms just as I had been before I'd fallen asleep. His head is tilted back on the couch, eyes closed. He rolls his head to the side, cracking his eyes open to peer down at me.

"You okay?" He asks, his voice thick with sleep.

He held me while I slept.

Warmth spreads across my chest and down my stomach at the thought.

I clear my throat before replying, "Yes. Sorry for falling asleep." I crawl off his lap, the muscles in my legs sore as I stretch.

Luca stands up behind me, the touch of his hand burning against my lower back. "Come on."

He leads the way to the powder room and I shut myself inside to do my business. Once I'm done I follow him to the kitchen.

"Would you like to help me prepare breakfast?" He asks.

"Sure." Its the least I could do after sleeping on him.

I step toward the items he has laid out on the counter but he stops me. My brow furrows in confusion as he grips the back of his shirt and tugs it over his head, revealing his sculpted body. Before I can question him he pushes the shirt over my head and I'm suddenly enveloped in his scent. He helps me slip my arms through the holes and untucks my hair from the collar. His hazel eyes take me in, a smile dancing on his lips.

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