Chapter 14

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Anger pumps through my veins as I lock the basement door behind me, the feeling of flour sticking to my skin only making the emotion grow stronger. I grit my teeth and grab the broom and dustpan from the laundry room before going to my office.

My jaw clenches at the sight of the broken frame on the floor. The doors to my wardrobe were left open, baring my deepest secrets to the world as if they're nothing. I gently plucked the picture from the ruined frame, my eyes scanning the familiar image to be sure it hadn't been damaged.

I place the portrait back on the bottom of the wardrobe before sweeping up the mess from the frame and dumping the contents into the trashcan by my desk. I inspect the other items in the wardrobe and find nothing else out of place. My anger dissipates a little at knowing I caught her before she could do more than break a simple picture frame that can easily be replaced.

I gently close the wardrobe, my hand lingering on the wood a little longer than necessary before I force myself to step away. This is why I despise people in my space, they touch things they shouldn't. I've guarded the items in that wardrobe for years, the need to keep his spirit alive making me unable to let the contents go.

I wonder if she recognized the man in that picture. Will she question me after she's been given enough time to contemplate what she saw? The thought sends a volt of panic up my spine and I push the feeling away. It wouldn't matter, I don't have to answer her questions even if I am oddly tempted to. What would she do with the knowledge? How would it make her feel? Would I seem different, would my behavior make sense?

I grab the tattered remains of her clothing and leave my office, locking it behind me even though she's secured in the basement. I'll have to add a second lock to the door to keep her out when she's behaved long enough to be free from the shackles again. I've never had to worry about the standard lock on the doorknob not being enough. No one had ever even attempted to come into my space without my permission since I was a child and Alessia did it to mess with me.

I toss Polina's clothes in the trash and go upstairs to my ensuite. The brat threw flour on me. I do admit it was a good diversion but all it did was put off the inevitable because where could she go in this house that I couldn't find her?

I glance at myself in the mirror and grind my molars together at the sight of my suit. My little mouse had quickly changed into a brat all because she thought she had nothing to fear since I'd let it be known I had no plans to kill her.

I strip down and step in the shower, not bothering with waiting for the water to heat. My dick hangs heavy and hard between my legs even with the icy water washing over me. I stick my head under the spray, willing it to soften. The urge to fuck Polina had been strong when I had her bent over my desk and it only grew stronger after I chased her down and dragged her out of the closet. It took every ounce of willpower in my body to take her to the basement instead of my bedroom. Punishing her— humiliating her clearly wasn't teaching her anything so maybe I could fuck her back into compliance. With the way she's acting it would definitely take both Luca and I to achieve it.

I quickly wash off and get dressed in a clean suit. If Giovanni finds out I'm at home when I should be in a meeting with Connelly he'll have questions, ones I can't answer. I should've taken Polina over my lap and spanked her for her bratty behavior. I was on my way to Connelly's warehouse when I got an alert about movement inside my office and that's not a notification I can ignore. I almost wrecked my car when I pulled the camera up and saw her standing in my office.

I transfer the items from my dirty suit into my clean one before going back downstairs. My eyes linger on the end of the hall that leads you to the basement before I turn toward the foyer and exit the house. She'll be fine. I start my car and text Luca. I tell him not to have lunch with Polina today. I'll let her hang there until tonight, maybe that will help with her bratty tendencies. Luca replies with, 'why', and I tell him to watch the footage from the last hour.

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