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Many many happy returns of the day Yoongi-ah! 😘🥰❤💜
Dying to say Yoongi marry me, but guess my competition is BTS itself. Like how can I even win against them.
But look how adorable those birthday wishes were.
In love with their unbreakable bond.

So this is going to be a Suga day special chapter. Hope you guys like it 💜


"There isn't much time left. We need to hurry, the royal guards can be here any time." Jin managed to spit words out of his mouth. His breathing was heavy and his palm was on his knees as he struggled to fill his lungs with air.

Horror displayed upon JiAh and Yoongi's face. Yoongi's muscles stiffened. He stood up without a second thought and started making arrangements.

JiAh just sat in the middle of the night, gaping into the space. She just couldn't register what was happening. She finally made it alive from the prison and came back to the safest place possible in the whole town. But she wasn't safe here. She wasn't safe anywhere.

She watched Yoongi preparing the horse standing in the stable. He wasn't anxious, his expressions were unreadable, like he knew this was going to happen. He anticipated. But she didn't.

A knot formed in her stomach as she watched both the men preparing necessary commodities for their departure. It ached her thinking about leaving this place this soon.

She finally forced herself up looking at Yoongi, waiting for him to look at her or at least say something. He never did. She followed him with her eyes to seek his attention but not ones he made eye contact.

"What're you trying to do?" JiAh said in an irritated voice. Yoongi stopped in his tracks as he looked at her confused. She knew Jin had stopped too because she no longer could hear the clattering noises from the insides of the house. She released a heavy breathe which she didn't knew for how long she was holding.

Yoongi's eyes were on her. He had a look of concern, his eyebrows drawn together and his hand was drawn into a fist. He approached her with cautious steps, incase she was still shaken by the sudden news but stopped as she spoke again.

"You're planning to run away? With me? At what cost?" Her voice was loud. Like she was trying to pour as much poison in her words as possible, but most of it came out to be mixed with distress and agony. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks at her failed attempt to show distaste about the whole situation.

Yoongi didn't spoke. Nor did he moved. He was afraid, maybe a slightest movement can break JiAh. He felt helpless.

"JiAh! Trust me. I'll fix everything." Yoongi pleaded her to calm down. His voice was raspy. He cleared his throat and continued, "I promised to keep you safe and let you go back to your world. I'll keep my promise no matter what. You're important to me JiAh."

"And you are important to me." JiAh argued. "I can't let you throw away your life for my sake. You are important to this kingdom, to Ajumma, to Yoon Wu, to Jin. How can I take all this away from you? Don't you think I don't understand the depth of this situation? I've been in that hell hole for I don't know how many days and one thing I've realized that I have reached too far into the dark and there is no going back for me." She was out of breath.

"But for you it isn't over yet." Her voice came out to be soft, "You can go back Yoongi. Just apologize to the king and you'll get back your life. Stop thinking what happens to me."

Yoongi clenched his jaw. JiAh's words pierced him deep. He could feel the pain of her statements, cutting into his flesh. He ignored the sting in his eyes and attempt his feet towards her. He held her by her shoulder. Her eyes widened. It came to her like a bolt out of the blue.

"What if I don't want to stop thinking about you." His voice was cold, angry. He backed off, punching the stone wall hard. JiAh flinched by his exaggerated reaction. He was panting heavily, trying to control his rage. He looked straight into her eyes, careful not to touch her with his hands bleeding at his knuckles. "To hell with it JiAh....can't you just accept that I care about you and I'm not doing this out of the sense of duty."

JiAh dropped to her knees as she witnessed Yoongi breaking down in front of her. Her sobbing increased. She tried to cover her mouth to muffle the wailing sounds but to no avail. Her crying just wouldn't stop. Like those tears had their own brain and they just wouldn't follow the commands she gave them.Yoongi scooted down, removing her hand from her mouth and taking it in his own hands. He rubbed circles on her palm. He was too flustered to say anything. He felt guilty to make her cry.

"How can I accept it...." JiAh's tried to speak between her sobs. Yoongi looked in her eyes, letting her finish what she has to say. "....how can I let you ruin your life because of me? Can't you see how much I care about you?"

"Can't you see....how much I love you?"

Yoongi went stiff. His heart skipped a beat, and then the next moment he could feel his pulse rising. He always knew JiAh had feelings for him but he never thought she'd speak it out loud. He felt a surge of heat ran through his body. Like the warm air inflated his lungs and made him elated. Nothing could ever manage to make him feel like that. "What?" He managed to say.

"I said I love you." JiAh repeated. "Is it too difficult for you to understand." She wasn't crying anymore, but her voice was still raspy and her eyes were swollen.

"I....I di-don-kno....I" Yoongi felt embarrassed finding himself stuttering after being confessed by the girl he wanted so badly to be in his life. He forced words from his mouth but nothing came out except for meaningless sentences.

"Oh come on say that you love her back. Its rude to make a nice lady wait." Yoongi stood up in a flash and JiAh turned in horror. Both their eyes widened watching the playful smirk on Mrs Min's face. JiAh felt blood rushing her cheeks as she realized the weight of her own words.

I confessed to him. I confessed to him. I confessed to him.

Before she could force her thought process to race up, she was welcomed in Mrs Min's arms in a tight embrace. As she hugged her back she watched Jin and Yoon Wu grinned behind Mrs Min's shoulder. She buried her face in her arms to hide the embarrassment.

After what felt like ages of hugging, they finally broke off. Mrs Min ran a gentle hand on JiAh's head and smiled at her. JiAh smiled back.

"JiAh!" Mrs Min spoke. "Yoongi is right. You need to go and find a safe place to hide. The guards shouldn't find you. This place isn't safe for you anymore. And don't worry, I trust my son. Yoongi is no ordinary warrior, he'll protect you at all cost."

"But I don't want to leave you behind." JiAh argued.

"Don't worry JiAh. We'll be fine. Hoseok will never hurt us. He still had conscious in him and no matter what happens a person doesn't change. He is in darkness right now but soon he'll see what is right and then everything will be back to normal." She took JiAh's hand. Her eyes were soft and caring. "Till then hold on okay? We'll meet again....I promise."

The next thing JiAh knew was that she was at the back of the horse which Yoongi was riding. She looked back at the small house she called home in this alien world. It became smaller and smaller as they went on. The pastel walls, the cemented porch, the planted garden, the smell of camomile and the people dear to her heart slowly disappearing from her sight.

I'll surely meet you again.... I promise!

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