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"Wh-where am I?" JiAh slowly opened her eyes, adjusting her vision into the new light she found after spending endless agony in the prison. She fluttered her eyelids several times to clear the haze. After few seconds she was able to decipher her surroundings. Her heart was thumping against her chest, dreading the same fate happening to her like the way it happened for the past few days. She held the cloth tightly in her fist.

A beam of relief raced down her body. The familiar walls and the scent of camomile welcomed her. Before she could move from her bed, a pair of arms engulfed her whole into a tight embrace.

"Oh JiAh! I'm so relieved that you are fine. I was so worried."

JiAh hugged back Mrs Min. She tried really hard to fight back her tears, but wasn't able to hold them back anymore. She held Mrs Min so tightly, not wanting to let her go. Her warmth was enough for her to feel safe, away from the dark menacing dungeon.

"Its okay JiAh." Mrs Min caressed her head, letting her tears seep into the clothes of the old woman. "You've been really brave all this time. You can cry all you want, I'm here for you."

For few minutes JiAh cried silently, still clinging to Mrs Min. She was afraid that if she let go, she'll be taken away from her again. A small tap on her shoulder startled her. She reluctantly let go of Mrs Min and turned back.

Her eyes met the smiling face of Yoon Wu. The radiance on his face was still there, like a universal truth. Like no matter how dark it is inside the pit, it never changes the fact that the sun still existed, shining bright on the outside world. Somehow watching his face made her feel content. He had a ceramic bowl filled with rice porridge. The steam coming out of it and the smell of freshly cooked rice made her feel alive again.

"You must be hungry, My Lady!" Yoon Wu smiled again, his eyes almost disappearing.

"Yes, I'm hungry." JiAh said almost in an inaudible whisper, "Very....very hungry." Her heart broke, listening to her own raspy voice. This was the best effort she could put to speak. Her eyes brimmed with tears again.

Before she could say anything or take the bowl of porridge, Yoon Wu took a spoonful of porridge and started blowing it. "Its really hot, Eomma just made it for you," He spoke, giving his entire focus to the cool down the turbulent steam coming out of the food. "Here, let me feed you." He pulled out the spoon in her direction.

JiAh smiled at him. Her heart felt light as she opened her mouth to swallow the porridge. It was delicious. After eating whatever garbage they provided her in that prison, even this porridge was looking like a luxury to her. She wanted to cry again, but controlled her tears. She didn't wanted Yoon Wu to feel uncomfortable while feeding her.

The next half an hour went by Yoon Wu feeding her the porridge, apparently because he has to puff away the heat from every spoonful he gave her. Although she wanted to devour the whole bowl in one go because she was starving but she didn't complain about him being a little too concerned about the food being warm. The love he was garnishing over every bite was enough to compensate the slow speed.

JiAh finally lay down on the bed. She watched Yoon Wu and Mrs Min preparing the dinner. As much as she wanted to stay on the bed forever and not move a muscle, she was dying to see Yoongi. She hadn't seen him since she woke up. Her eyes wandered off towards the main entrance every now and then in hope of having the glimpse of that pale godly face she wanted to see for so long.

"He's with Jin. Probably be back soon." Mrs Min smiled at her, still working on the pickled radish. She returned the smile and went back to staring the ceiling.

"You think we can make it? " JiAh stared at Yoongi. He was intently looking towards the dark forest. The stretch of oak woods embellishing the damp ground, beyond which everything was dark and cold. She could feel the eerie chill, that was freezing her spine.

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