Video Games

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Mina was peacefully having her own coffee inside their house, before she could take another sip her wife's voice suddenly echoed through the room.

"How many times did I tell you to do your homework?" With curiosity, she walked towards the living room and saw her wife scolding their son.

"But mommy, I don't have any classes tomorrow. I can finish it by tomorrow-"

"But Nathan, even though you don't have classes tomorrow you should still do your homework." Nayeon explained, Mina smiled at how gentle her wife is to their son.

"It's better to finish it earlier than to be late sweetie, now enough with the video games and go get your bag here and finish your homework" Nayeon ordered him as she pointed upstairs. Their son lowered his head and slowly walked away from her.

"Honey don't be too hard on him" Mina makes herself notice by her wife, she strides towards her and gives her a peck.

"I'm not being hard on him, he just needs discipline. He shouldn't be playing this early in the morning." Nayeon argue but Mina caress her shoulders and nods.

"Okay, okay I understand. You're worried but our son is smart honey, he knows what his doing-"

"Wait, you're the one who teach him to play that video game right?" Nayeon place her hands on her hips and look at Mina suspiciously.

"U-uh, what? Of course not honey, well kind of?" Mina grins and scratch her head.

Nayeon shakes her head and slap Mina's shoulders.

"It's your fault why he's starting to get addicted to that stupid game." Nayeon said out loud as she head inside the kitchen.

"Hey, it's not stupid!" Mina scoffed and sat on the sofa.

She heard some footsteps and saw his son holdings his bag. Nathan sat on the floor infront of Mina and starts his homework.

Mina adoringly smiled at the sight, she saw how his son pouts.

"He really gets that from his Mommy" Mina softly whispered to herself.

Minutes of silence inside the living room, as the tv keeps on playing Nathan was sighing. It catches Mina's attention.

"Hey sweetie, are you having trouble?" Mina slide down to sit beside him.

"Nothing Mama, I'm just thinking why Mommy is like that." Mina's mouth agape, not expecting from him.

"Well as for your Mommy, she's just worried about you son. But she's also right, you shouldn't be playing this early. Screentime may affect your eye sight, mostly if you keeps on playing." Mina caress his back. Nathan bit her lips and look at his Mom.

"I'm sorry Mama, I will not make Mommy mad again" Nathan lowered his head, fidgeting her fingers.

"Mommy is not mad, she's just disappointed okay? Now let see, hmmm you're almost finish doing your homework. Wow Mama is amazed" Mina was stunned, she never thought her son is smart.

"Looks like you got it from me huh, you're smart like Mama" Minas pinch his cheeks.

"Yes Mama, I got it from you" Nathan giggled and jump at Mina's lap, hugging her.

Mina ruffled his hair and chuckled, having herself seated inside a foor walls full of documents in front of her is nothing compared to this, a bond with his son inside their comfortable home.

"Now what's happening here? Why am I not involved?" They both look at Nayeon who's carrying a tray with some sandwich and juice.

"Mama here is saying I got my smartness from her Mommy" Nathan laughed and stood up to hug her Mommy's legs.

"Really huh? But I'm the smart one not your Mama" Nayeon challenge her wife, Mina stand up and grab the tray to place it on the table.

"Why don't we ask Jihyo about this honey? You know I'm the smart one here" Mina smirk, Nayeon rolled her eyes and carry Nathan in her arms.

"Call her right now then, let's see" Nayeon raises her brow.

Mina grabs her phone from her pocket and calls Jihyo. After ringing three times, Momo answered.

"Hey what's up Mitang, oh hi kiddo!" Momo waved her hand through the phone at Nathan.

"Hi auntie Momo!"

"Hey Momoring, Is Jihyo there?" Minas ask.

"Oh my wife is out for grocery, I'm here babysitting Moimoi" Nayeon smirked after hearing that.

"Hey Momoring, who do you think the smartest among us? Me or this friend of yours?' Nayeon eyed her friend through the phone.

"Uhm, well" Without Mina noticing, Nayeon silently threatened Momo.

"Of course who would be the smartest, it's Nayeon unnie" Nayeon inhaled deeply and gave her wife a smirk.

Nathan giggled as Nayeon stuck her tongue out at Mina.

"Stop lying Momoring, it's me-"

"Gotta go, Moimoi needs me! Oh and by the way I lied, yes Mina you're the smartest!" Nayeon widened her eyes.

"Yahhh!" before she could argue with Momo the call ended.

"Huh, who's winning now" Mina raises her brow, Nayeon glares at her and pushes her making her sit on the sofa.

"Hey!" Nathan laughed at the both of them.

"Mommy I'm done with my homework can I play now?" Nathan gives her a puppy eyes, Nayeon felt her heart softened.

"Eat your sandwich first," Nayeon put him down and sat beside Mina who's already watching.

"Hey son" Mina called.

"Yes Mama?" Nathan turned his head to look at her.

"After you finished that, let's play upstairs" Mina winked at him.

"Yehey, okay Mama!" Nathan starts making dances as he also watch along with her parents.

"You're spoiling him already honey" Nayeon softly said as she leaned her head into Minas shoulders.

Mina spread her arm and placed at the back pillows making it as Nayeons pillow.

"I'm not spoiling him, let our son have some fun also" Mina kissed her head, Nayeon could only sigh.

"He's getting older year by year, and I'm afraid what would the future holds" Nayeon said out of nowhere.

"Stop overthinking my love, as long as we raised him as a good kid. Nothing will happen, he will still be our only baby boy well if you want another child then why not-" Nayeon suddenly slaps her chest, Mina flinched with that.

"Ouch, I'm just kidding. But I want a daughter though- okay okay I'll stop" Mina giggled as Nayeon rolled her eyes.

"Nathan is still five years old maybe after he turned 9?" Nayeon said while looking at her seriously.

"Okay honey, if that's what you want." Mina smiled at her genuinely and leaned down to kiss her lips passionately.

"I love you Nayeon, my wife" Mina let their noses touch. Nayeon closes her eyes and feel her warmth.

"I love you too Myoui Mina" Nayeon scrunch her nose as Mina brush it with hers.

"Hey Mama, Mommy let me join you!" They both groaned as Nathan jump on them.

"Oh you're getting heavy kiddo" Mina grunt, Nayeon only laugh and gives her son kisses.

"I love you my baby boy" Nathan smiled widely at her Mommy and laid into his Mommy.

"I love you Mommy and Mama" Nathan said with his cute voice. Mina stare what's in front of her.

She would gladly watch them all day, her wife and her son together. She never thought this day would come. Her dreams finally came true, to have her own family.

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