Pissed Mina

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" Hey Jeong, have you seen Mina? " Sana suddenly ask her co member as she enters the living room.

"I think she's playing inside our room" Sana only nods and join Jeongyeon in watching.

Few minutes later all the other members joined them and Mina is the only one again who isn't with them.

" Where's Mina- " Nayeon was cut off when they all look at Mina who just came out from the room and they saw the different aura from the Japanese's face.

" Oh no, something's off " they heard their leader mumbled.

" Wait, she's pissed? " Momo then said.

" I think so " Sana replied.

" This isn't common at all, Mina unnie is not like this all the time what happened " Dahyun said as she clings unto Nayeon.

" I don't know dubu, let me talk to her later, we'll just wait for her to calm her head " they all agreed and continued to watch until Mina came back in the living room holding a water.

They all stared at the woman when she sat beside Nayeon, Dahyun who was sitting on Nayeon's lap, she immediately held Mina's hands making the Japanese woman to look at her. Dahyun smiled but Mina just give her a simple one and stared at the television.

" She's indeed pissed unnie " Dahyun whispered to Nayeon.

" Ehh? " Nayeon look at Mina who is now frowning.

" Yeah she is "

Few hours later, the three maknaes bid their goodnight to their unnies. And during their movie marathon Mina didn't uttered a single word which makes the members to be worried.

" Momo-yahh, let's eat " Sana pull Momo not waiting for her response.

" I'll go to sleep now, we need to be early tomorrow " Jihyo uttered as she walks towards their room.

" Wait for me Jihyo-yahh " Jeongyeon followed, leaving the older one and Mina.

The two stayed silent, neither of them are talking, Nayeon shifted in her place and stand up. She's about to sleep also not wanting to disturb the woman who is indeed pissed because of the game she lost earlier.

Nayeon was about to take a step but she felt Mina stand up, Nayeon sighed and look at her. But Mina is just standing there with her emotionless face.

Nayeon thought that she's going to say something but the woman stood still. She sighed again for the tenth time and before she could take a step, warm arms suddenly wraps around her waist.

" Love.... " Nayeon looks at her shoulder and saw Mina crying.

What a softie

" Stop crying hun, tell me what's wrong " Nayeon kiss her cheeks and look at her. Mina is still hugging her from behind.

" Nothing, I'm just pissed " She knows Mina is pouting.

" Pissed from what? " Nayeon remove her arms that wrapped around her and face the woman.

" From playing, I lost the game multiple times and I didn't even win " Nayeon pouts and chuckles at her cuteness, and wipes her tears from her cheeks.

" Oh my gosh, I thought you're pissed because of something serious " Nayeon slap her shoulder lightly before wrapping her arms around her neck.

" W-why? "

" Hun, you make them worried earlier, thinking that you're mad at something serious " Nayeon massage her nape as Mina hold her petite waist.

" O-oh, I'm sorry "

" It's fine, but assure them tomorrow okay " Nayeon give her a peck in the lips.

" Okay " They stayed in that position until Mina started to sway.

" I'm sorry for making you worried because of a nonsense thing love " Mina softly said.

" It's fine, I already told you, but next time don't do it again I hate seeing you mad, now smile for me please " Nayeon said smiling widely.

Mina can't help but to laugh, she never thought that this woman is hers. They swayed until Nayeon felt sleepy, Mina carried her bridal style and entered Nayeons room, Mina sleep beside her making Sana and Momo smiled at them from the other side of the room.

" Aren't they cute together " Sana leaned on Momo's shoulder.

" They are but also us " Momo kiss her cheeks. Sana giggle and tells her that they need to sleep also.

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