Rainy Night

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The other members are peacefully watching a horrific movie from their living room but the oldest doesn't want to join because she's been tired from her solo preparation.

Mina notice the older woman that she's indeed tired basing from the dark circles under her eyes.

The others are also worried for their unnie, that's why they didn't bother her anymore.

It started raining heavily and so they started wrapping themselves with comforters.

Minutes had passed a thunderstorm suddenly heard outside making them all jolts in their places, after that they start laughing at each other.

Until another thunder hits, they heard a sudden shout from the older's room.

Mina look at them when she notice that the girls didn't heard the shout.

"Didn't you guys heard that?"

The members looks at her curiously.

"What do you mean Mina?"

"Oh, nothing let me just check Nayeon unnie" Mina smiled and stand up making her way towards the older's room.

The members just shrugged it off and continued watching.


When Mina peeks, she can clearly hear the sobs and tremble breathing.

"Nayeon-chan" she softly uttered.

Her eyes immediately saw the older woman, legs pinned in her chest, palms covering her ears, and face hiding between her knees.

"I'm scared, I'm so scared" she heard from the woman.

Mina feels bad, she's been a fan of thunders and lightnings but che can't bare to see her girl like this.

"Please stop" Mina sat down beside her, grabbing the hands of Nayeon.

"Hon" When Nayeon hears that voice she immediately looks up and saw Mina giving her an assuring smile.

"Minayah!" Nayeon jumps on Mina, she starts sobbing again.

Mina fixed her position making Nayeon sat on her lap comfortably.

"I'm here, you can calm down now" Mina hugs her.

"I'm scared, it's to loud" Nayeon ranted, hiding her face on Mina's chest, gripping on her hoodie.

"I know, i know" Mina wiped her tears, kissing her crown.

Nayeon keeps crying, wetting Mina's hoodie.

Mina laid down, Nayeon still hides her face on Mina's chest. Mina as the big spoon she hugs her, and covered their selves with Nayeon's comforter.

"Shh, stop crying now love I'm here" Mina looks down at her.

"Don't leave me" Nayeon lift her face staring at Mina.

"I won't, i will be here keeping you warm" Mina kiss her lips.

"I love you" Nayeon softly uttered.

"I love you too, now sleep you need that, i know how tired you are so rest here in my arms" Nayeon sniffs, hearing that from the Japanese woman makes her feel butterflies.

"Thank you for being here"

"I will always be here for you love, let's sleep, hmm" Nayeon give her a small smile before hiding her face again on Mina's chest, slowly dozing off.

Mina can't help but to adore her face, even in sleep. Her girl will still be gorgeous, how lucky is she to have the Im Nayeon.

"Poor baby, you've been working hard my love, i know you're tired but you can rest to me whenever you feel it, have a good sleep love, sweet dreams"

She kiss her forehead before dozing off also, but they didn't notice the other members eavesdropping on them.

"They really look cute together"

"Nayeon unnie is a big baby for Mina unnie"

"They really deserved each other"

"When can i have this kind of relationship"

"Stop murmuring they might wake up, let's go get some sleep also" Jihyo ordered them.

In a rainy night, two persons keeping the warm in a hug tight.

Authors note

Hi! everyone, i apologize for not updating this past few days, I'm kinda finishing my last modules because it's almost closing for the 2nd sem, and if you want to read more minayeon stories just check my twitter account bunny_penguinie, thank you for understanding 💗☺️

Hi! everyone, i apologize for not updating this past few days, I'm kinda finishing my last modules because it's almost closing for the 2nd sem, and if you want to read more minayeon stories just check my twitter account bunny_penguinie, thank you ...

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