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jack's point of view

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i hate her.

i hate the way her brother infiltrated her mind that i'm some sort of player when i'm not, i hate the way some guys only talk to me to get with stella.

i hate trevor, i really do, but that doesn't mean i hate her.

she gets off of the one bus at the same time i get off of mine. i decided whether to talk to her or not, guess which answer i chose.

"just the person i wanted to see today." i say strolling up beside her, i can already tell she's annoyed with me.

"what do you want, hughes." she says. i notice she rolls her eyes. maybe if her brother didn't tell her these lies about me, this conversation might be going differently.

"fiesty today, i like it. i would save it for the ice, though." i say. "or maybe the hotel room."

god, jack. i can smooth talk with anyone else but her, it's like when i'm talking to her i just can't do it.

"i'm going to act like you didn't say that to me." she says as she continues walking.

"why, did i make you blush?" i say. i notice the door is in front of her, so i open it before she gets the chance to grab it.

"in you dreams." she replies.

"most definitely in my dreams." i say standing in front of her. coincidentally enough, we are in a pretty narrow hallway.

"what do you want, hughes." she says with a quick huff.

"you." i respond. she takes a second, to come up with her next response.

"enemies, remember? get that into your thick skull." she says using her shoulder to push past me.

i can't deny, and won't admit to anyone else, that hurt a little bit.

i changed in the locker room with the rest of the guys while zegras changed in the bathroom. when we have away games, she has to do that.

"you comin bro?" nico asked. i was already ready.

"nah, imma hang back for a minute." i say. zegras hasn't come out of the bathroom yet, and for some reason i needed to see her.

gorgeous • jack hughesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin