164: Burnt to Dust

Start from the beginning

Left to wait, the group mostly paced, sat in the shade, split off to help the Huntresses move people, or prayed.

Team JNPR undertook the task of getting more music stands set up, since Jaune was able to help them resist the Apathy's pull--he was trying to pace himself more carefully now.

They got one up, and Pyrrha plugged in one of the soundtracks that began blaring a song that Nora instantly thought was bomb.

[Been waiting for another chance to use this. I wanted one with more than just JNPR, but I thought this AMV was cool--and it was the only one that existed. This song is awesome. "Shout Your Freedom" by Skillet. AMV by A2Z]

* * *

Maybe it was the Apathy's effects, but the whole process of getting to Shade again felt like a surreal dream to the squad.

Victoria made them drive to the Grimm she'd left locked up.

Then she used her bait switch to get the Grimm to follow them once she'd freed them.

"I know this plan was already nuts," Oscar said, looking to the back of the car, "but purposely getting Grimm to chase us seems like a new level of crazy."

"This is just like that scene from Jurassic Park 3, " Wally said. "Only the dinosaurs kind of had more personality."

The Grimm behind them snarled.

"Just keep moving," Victoria said. "Step on it."

"Look, lady, I'm trying, but these streets are awful!" Wally said.

"Can I drive?" Meridian asked.

"No!" everyone said.

Wally took one too fast, and Ruby, who was not buckled in, slammed into Oscar and the side of the car.

"Hi," she said.

"Uh...hi..." Oscar turned beet red. "Maybe you should seatbelt your fasten."

Meridian snorted a laugh.

"Right." Ruby didn't even notice the mistake. She grabbed her seat belt. "Whoops...I hope Penny is okay..."

"I'm sure she's in one piece, just..." Oscar sighed.

"So you and Weiss." Ruby looked at Meridian. "I really don't get it, but you'd better be nice to her, whatever you're doing. She's my best friend."

"Does shes know that, Red?" Meridian asked.

"Yeah!" Ruby said. "We're totally besties. She just likes to act mean, that's all. She loves us, deep down."

"How deep?" Victoria braced herself on the back seat. "Can we not do the dating club thing while we're on the way to fight soul-sucking Grimm? I got enough of this while I was going to highschool and college."

"I honestly think it's better than talking about imminent doom," Wally called. "Which way do I turn?"

"Left, you idiot. Not so fast!" Victoria winced.

"Don't worry, Red Hood," Meridian said, bracing himself. "I'm a one-woman fellow, if that's what you're worried about. Or do you just mean nice literally?"

"Huh?" Ruby said.

"I feel like Qrow wouldn't like this conversation very much." Oscar didn't like the way Qrow had been glaring at him since earlier.

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