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There WILL be typos, i don't usually go back and edit chapters. If you see a mistake. No you didn't. 

I walked around Jin's house..... well our house putting finishing touches... After us being engaged for 3 months he's been a brat and refuses the idea of us living separate.

he told me to yasify "our" Home. I asked him what yasify meant and hie face went red. he said tae had told him that it was the appropriate term to use when referring to a fairy making their living space more compatible with their fairy genetics. 

kinda like what i did to my old place before jin made me move in with him.

(Reference of the style of her old place.) 


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He was so embarrassed and called tae screaming at him when i told him that was in fact not the the term we used to describe such a action.

tae's loud laughs could be heard thru the phone. He really loves pushing Jin's buttons. 

As i was fixing something in the living room, i heard jin entering. He wakled up behind me.

Jin: Jagi. 

me: hmm??

Jin: im very sleepy can we skip dinner?

he pouted giving me his best puppy dog eyes... I frowned... this was the forth night he asked to skip out on a meal. I also noticedhe kept "forgetting" to take his lunch i make for him in the mornings.. He also started waking up late. which isn't like him. 

He'd rush out before having any breakfast and it was starting to annoy me because he was turning back into the jin who worked nonstop but didn't take care of himself properly. I turned around to face him giving him a stern stare.

Me: Honey.... what is all this about.

He looked like he had been caught and began coughing, looking away from me he spoke.

Jin: Nothing... I'm just really tired.. work has been crazy lately

he went on to continue talking but i grabbed his shoulder turning him to face me.

Me: Jin.... i know you. Well enough to know when you aren't telling the truth... when you aren't acting like yourself. So tell me, what's really going on here?

He sighed before huffing and plopping onto the couch. I rested on the arm of the couch rubbing my hand down his back as he spoke.

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