||~ Chapter 22 ~||

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-Tristan POV-

??: " General Fabian.. At last.. "

I looked up, seeing the person in front of me holding a dagger in his hand..


The black white tiger, the general of the Chinese army hirself, was in presence of me. A dagger being held firm in his hand.

I kept eye contact with him, the wound of the bullet still hurting me while bleeding.

Wu: " I have been searching for you all around these grounds, sir Fabian. "

Tristan: " It seems you have found me.. Sir.. "

Wu: " Wu Yao, it's the name. Just Wu, for short. "

Wait.. Generals don't just give their names out like that.. Mostly their last names, or allow someone to address them for their fist name..

What is up with this man..

Wu: " I beg your pardon.. But this duty I must fulfill is to protect our people.. "

He held the dagger tighter, lifting it up near his other shoulder.

Wu: " I hope you understand why I need to do this.. "

Tristan: " I still do not understand the meaning of this entire war.. Why cause it in the first place..? "

The general stood quiet. He did not give me a response, and just lifted his dagger over his head.

I just stared at him, a firm posture and expression performed by him. I just kept my look on him and his dagger, being ready to get stabbed by him.

His arm suddenly began to shake. I followed his arm, then I saw tears, coming from the eyes of the general.


Wu: " You don't deserve this.. Why does he want to do this to you...? "

He spoke in a low, yet shaky voice. I saw hesitation in his eyes for a moment.

He gritted his teeth, and suddenly he put his hand with his dagger down,  and covered his face, me hearing sobs and sniffs from him.

Im so confused..

Wu: " I can't.. I CANNOT DO THIS! "

He said as he turned around and grabbed his head tightly. Okay, now I'm getting concerned for this man..

Tristan: " If it isn't an inconvenience.. May I ask why you're not killing me? "

Wu: " It's not, about murdering you.. I need to explain.. I don't think I'm making myself clear.. "

Tristan: " Yes, I'd like some explaining from you as well. "

Wu: " I'm not going to say who is behind all of this.. Because that will cause my, the colonel and our families' death.. "

Tristan: " Wait.. Really? "

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