||~ Chapter 17 ~||

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|| ~ Arrival To The Campsite ~ ||

-Narrator POV-

With some soldiers still being carried while passed out or very tired, Tristan announced, finally;

Tristan: " Everyone!! We have finally arrived to our campsite!! "

Everyone began to sight of relief, cheer about it, etc. Samir sighted in relief under Tristan, being happy they had finally arrived.

Tristan looked down to Samir. He smiled, and kissed his forehead. Samir smiled with a slight blush as he looked up at Tristan.

Tristan: " You can finally rest properly.. Along with everyone else. We will not be using our tents, for various reasons. We could be attacked and not knowing, so that is one reason. Now, we will take a few hours of break, and then we will begin our last preparations for the war. Do I make myself clear?! "

" YES SIR!! "

Tristan: " Good!! Well, resting begins now!! "

And as soon as he said that, everyone began to move around, some went to sit down, others to lay down somewhere, some to wash up to a nearby lake, and others did whatever.

Tristan and Axel were with the lovers of each, and they carried them to their nearby lake.

Tristan: " Here Samir, you can wash up if you need to.. "

He said as he knelt down in front of the side of the river, along with Axel beside him. Tristan sat Samir in between his lap, allowing him to admire the view of the lake.

Axel did the same, except he still carried Ivar in his arms.

Samir began to take his shoes off, along with his socks. Once done, he placed his shoes and socks to the side, and pulled up his pants all the way up his thighs.

Samir: " Can I go in the water? "

He said as he looked up at Tristan, just a bit tired.

Tristan: " You do not have to ask me for that.. You can go whenever you would like. "

He said as he smiled down to Samir and he gave him a sweet kiss on his forehead

Samir smiled. He gave Tristan a quick kiss in the lips, before he stood up and walked into the water.

Ivar looked up at Axel. And Axel knowing what Ivar was going to ask him, he nodded.

He took the shoes and socks of Ivar off, and placed them beside him. Once done so, Ivar pulled his pants up to his thighs, and went inside the water with Samir.

Tristan and Axel just watched, making sure everything was in order with the other soldiers as well.

Axel: " Just look what they have come to be.. They used to hate each other to death. "

Tristan: " Samir is very merciful. He is the one to give people another chance, also depending on the situation. "

Axel: " Yes, he is. Very kind and patient of him. I really could never be as nice as he is. "

Tristan: " Well he has also been through a lot, his uncle doing everything he could so Samir could live the most normal childhood as possible. "

Axel: " Indeed.. Speaking of his uncle.. I wonder how he and my brother are doing.. They must be preparing to evacuate right now.. "

Tristan: " They must be.. Well hopefully they are not worrying about us too much. "

Axel: " Yes.. I hope so.. "

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