This felt more intimate than when we had sex.

I had never felt so much love.


She was still sleeping, holding on to me tightly with her leg draped over both of mine. I smiled at the sight and kissed her forehead to try and wake her up. No answer.

So we'll be late... Big deal...

I played with her hair, immersing myself with the scent of her perfume until she stirred some more and a small groan was heard. She woke up.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I sang, looking at her.

She opened her eyes and I was taken back at how blue they looked under the sunlight that was peeking through our window. She squinted her eyes at the sun and hid her face in my neck before mumbling a groggy "Morning."

I chuckled. "Come on, we have a long day ahead of us AND we have to face a suspect."

She sat up straight immediately and rubbed her eyes. "You're right. I should look good."

I burst out laughing. "You always do. Come on, let's get ready now."

She nodded her head and started getting out of bed. "Hey, Ezzie..."

I looked at her, urging her to go on. "I love you." She said with a smile.

I grinned back. "I love you."

We both decided on taking separate showers (because we didn't have time for one sensual shower/make out session) since we ended up having sex again afterwards and well... we sweated a lot and... You know what? I will spare you the details.

Since Enid got in first, I had to wait for her. I prepared my uniform in the meantime as well as my school bag. She got out all freshened up, with her makeup done and everything. I quickly kissed the top of her forehead and got ready.

When we were both done, we left our room with huge smiles on our faces. I felt like I was walking on the moon because of how light I felt. When we reached the hallways though, I turned stoic again and maintained my poker face. Enid, on the other hand, was giddy and REALLY did look like she just had the best sex of her life.

"You're both glowing." Yoko said with a smirk when we joined her. I raised an eyebrow at her.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I retorted calmly, feeling my ears flame up. I turned to look at Enid whose face turned a bright shade of red.

"Y-Yeah... Exactly... Totally..." Enid scoffed.

Yoko gave us quizzical look and let it go. She just shrugged and urged us to get in as class was about to start.

I kept my eye on the door, waiting for Sheila to get in. Enid's body was leaning against mine as she was doing the same thing. The witch finally came in. We turned to look at each other and nodded.

"James..." I whispered before the teacher arrived.

"Sir, yes sir!" He replied.

"Go check for anything unusual about Sheila and come back to us."

He immediately ran towards her and observed from up close. She looked weirded out as if she felt a presence close to her. She was a witch after all, it was expected. She kept shooing James while he was inspecting her. When he was done, he teleported himself to our seats.

"She has what seems like drops of blood at the bottom of her uniform's skirt. And she smells weird." He explained, scrunching up his nose.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"She smells like this one specific place in the woods where Elliot and I last fought... I don't know why the smell is strongly linked to that place based on what I was able to decipher." He added.

"What place, James?" Enid had asked.

"I've been there. We'll go after facing her. Or maybe that's where she's heading after class. We'll follow her." I stated. Enid nodded her head and gave my hand a small squeeze as the teacher got in...


As soon as we were done, we started following Sheila around, James, Enid and I. James had made us invisible with his powers so that we could follow her. As he said, she went to the final battle's location. I felt my throat constrict and took a deep breath. Enid immediately grabbed my hand and started stroking it gently. I looked at her and smiled.

"So that's where..." She started, whispering.

"Yes. That's where Elliot and James died." I murmured back. She quickly kissed my cheek and kept caressing my hand.

"Guys... Hate to interrupt this moment but my powers are going to die out soon and you will be visible to Sheila. So you need to decide on what to do next." James chuckled awkwardly.

"Make me visible and let Enid find a good hiding space." I ordered.

He nodded. I walked towards Sheila, her back was to me. She started laughing.

"So you followed me here?" She let out a wry laugh.

I froze. "You knew?"

"Where's Enid?" She said, turning towards me.

"Not here." I spat. "I'm here for another purpose Sheila."

"And that is?" She slurred seductively.

"You're a murderer."

She burst out laughing and walked over to me. "Funny accusation when you have no proof."

I gritted my teeth. "We smelled you on the corpse." I hissed.

She smirked maliciously. "Not a valid proof. A lycanthrope who can't wolf out assumed that she smelled me on a corpse? You trust her barely developed senses? That's pathetic."

"Yes. I trust her senses. They're enhanced and they fucking work."

She laughed again and leaned against my shoulder. I pushed her away.

"Not giving in to my charms? That's something new."

I showed her the black obsidian evil spirits/spells protection necklace I was wearing around my neck and grinned. It was a gift from Elliot that I had forgotten about. "Your powers have no effects on me anymore."

She smirked and took a step back. "I'm not the killer, Ezra. Believe it or not."

I scoffed. "Quit messing with me or I'll make you confess my own way."

"How so?" She challenged.

I put both my hands together. "I, the master of spirits, the living and the dead, command the voice of truth of the omniscient spirits to make the truth come out of this person's mouth. UT VERUM DICAS!" I said, extending my hands towards her. I felt a force come out of my hands, it looked like a small tornado. It got in Sheila's mouth who started choking when she inhaled it wholly.

"I'm not the killer. They killed my brother. He was a witch who lived in Jericho. I found his corpse in the middle of the forest and it was the most gruesome sight ever. I kept hugging his body, must be why you smelled me on him." She said, her eyes hooded like she was possessed. I knew she was telling the truth.

She wasn't the killer...


So??? Surprised???

Yes... Sheila is not the killer. No, she won't turn out to be the killer. Yes, she will always be the bitch who will try to tear Ezra and Enid apart.

Who is the killer then...


Less Dead | Enid SinclairWhere stories live. Discover now