I want to see what's below the bubbles but their doing their
job hiding his cock as well.

A couple of seconds pass and I reluctantly drag my eyes back
up to meet his gaze, Then I remember he said something.


I kinda feel like an ass for
openly staring at his body
doubly so because now it looks like I wasn't listening to him
but I seriously can't help it.

I feel like a starving man who has just been given his own private feast.

"The water." He shakes his
head but I can tell he's holding back a smile.

"It's perfect, Like you said."

"Oh, right. Yeah, it's great."

I realize my eyes are starting
to trail down to the waterline again and that he's definitely caught me trying to sneak a peek. Again.

"Sorry," I say, sort of meaning
it. "You're just, uh..."

My voice trails off as I try to choose my words carefully.

He arches a sculpted brow as
he waits for me to finish.

"I'm just what?"

He doesn't look annoyed yet,
so I'm tempted to just stick
with the truth.

"You're just stunning." I admit, finally.

"I guess I wasn't really
expecting all that sexiness
under that big robe."

He laughs and I realize that maybe I've been a little too honest but better to get a
laugh in response than yelling.

"Thanks, I think." He rolls his eyes and laughs again as he settles back against the side of the hot tub and looks out over the grounds.

"Speaking of stunning, it's
really amazing here."

"It almost feels magical, like
it shouldn't even be real."

"I know what you mean." I say, still barely paying attention
to our surroundings.

I need to get it together.

I can't keep staring at him like I'm some kind of caveman.

Focus, Guk.

Trying to convince my brain
that I'm only interested in making conversation is no
easy task with my hard-on still jumping around under the water like it has a mind of its own.

I finally settle on a neutral topic.

"I'm really glad that San
referred you to us."

His head jerks back toward
me as if I'd slapped him.

Maybe it's not such a neutral topic after all, His eyes narrow for a split second before he regains his composure.

It happens so quickly that I would've missed it if I hadn't
still been trying to memorize every detail of his body that
isn't obscured by bubbling water.

But I didn't miss it.

He gave me a look that spoke volumes, I'm just not sure
what the story is yet.

"Did I say something wrong?" I ask, already pretty certain of
the answer.

"No, it's nothing." He forces a smile.

He's obviously lying, but why?

San and I had both been
drinking the night he recommended Jimin to me
but I remember getting the impression that they were close.

Apparently, there's more to it than that.

"Are you sure?" I prod him
again, feeling like he might
be on the verge of opening
up if I give him the opportunity.

"I don't mean to pry."

"I just assumed you and San
had some history."

"We do." He looks away
again and then back to me.

"But that's over now."

I have more questions for
him but there's something
about the way he's looking at
me that makes me forget them.

He's looking at me now the
same way I was looking at
him a few moments ago.

That look in his eyes is hungry.



And while I've never seen it on his face, I still recognize it for what it is. He wants me.

He wades over to me in the hot tub, giving me a split-second glance at his perfect round butt.

My cock is so hard it's aching
as he sits down right next to me.

I feel his chest pressing against my arm as he turns his body to face me, his nipples are hard.

I'd bet his cock is too.

"We don't need to talk about
that anymore, do we?" he asks, his voice so low and so
fucking sexy that I
automatically shake my head.

I'm not even sure what we
were talking about anymore
and I don't give a damn about anything besides what's happening right here, right now.

"No." I answer simply, my
throat suddenly feeling impossibly dry.

"We can do whatever you

It's an open invitation.

The ball is in his court now.

Jimin's lips part and I almost smile because I know what's about to happen.

I'm not sure how we got
here but I'm definitely not complaining.

He leans in closer until our
faces are just inches apart
and I can't stand the
temptation anymore.

I close the distance between
us, reaching up to tilt his head back as I capture the Omega's mouth with mine.

Our tongues meet and I groan
as he rakes his fingernails
across my chest, drawing me closer to him as I kiss him deeper.

Fuck, he's amazing.

I don't want this to stop.

I need more of him.

✨MY BILLIONAIRE TWINS ✨|| JIKOOK Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon