𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔶

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anything for you

storybrooke, maine

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storybrooke, maine

– THINGS WERE A LOT LESS COOL ABOUT TWO DAYS LATER. Neal had returned the Jolly Roger to her rightful owner, Rhaenyra, which meant she was staying there alone, despite Henry's offer to stay with the Charmings. She wasn't entirely sure where she stood with them right now, nor how they felt about her. Besides, she quite enjoyed being back aboard the ship and having her own space again, even if she couldn't bring herself to open the door to the Captain's quarters just yet. She still didn't understand why he'd left. Maybe she never would. Regardless, doubt gnawed away at the corners of her mind.

Snow White had resorted to moping in bed full-time, the whole heroic family was suffering for it and of course Gold was back to being his regular old pain-in-the-ass self.

And then David called. "What do you want now, Prince Charming?"

"Rhaenyra... it's about Regina. We think she's after Mary Margaret."

"Well," She played with her dagger. "What do you expect me to do about it? She did kill her mother. Did I ever tell you my plans for the man who killed my mother if I ever found a way back to my land?"

"She wants Mary Margaret's heart for a spell. We think she's going to try to use the Curse of the Empty-Hearted on you and Henry."

She froze. Not only was she determined to never let anyone curse her little brother again, but the idea of her free will being stolen in any aspect made her feel a little nauseous. "I'm on my way." When she and Drogon arrived, only David, Snow and Gold were present. "Where's Henry?"

"Emma took him to see Neal." David explained. "If he can take Henry back to New York, magic won't be able to reach him anymore."

She nodded. "Maybe you guys are a little smarter than I gave you credit for. What do you want me to do?"

"Well, I didn't think you'd want to run and hide."

"Look at you, all full of the right ideas."

He rolled his eyes, but before he could say anything, his phone rang. It was Emma; Rhaenyra could just barely hear her distraught voice from the other end. "Okay. We're on our way." he ended the call. "Henry ran away."

Rhaenyra huffed a sigh. "Kid's always up to something. I'll go high, you lot go low. Drogon." She beckoned the dragon, who flew from the counter to perch on her arm.

"Wait," David warned. "Our mystery guy's out of the hospital. Are you sure flying's safe?"

"It's Henry. We'll stay above the clouds. He can still catch a scent from up there." Outside, Drogon grew just large enough to carry her before they took off, high enough to be out of view, but not quite above the rain. Cool droplets struck their skin and scales lightly before falling. "Anything?" Drogon's growl was frustrated, but a few moments later, his head perked up slightly before he dove into the woods. They skimmed between trees for a small distance before he dropped fully to the ground, sniffing about. Rhaenyra slid back to the ground so that he could shrink again. David was right; the less attention they attracted the better. They only made it a few paces before Drogon whirled, his growl a mixture of warning and interest. Rhaenyra turned to find Regina behind them. "What are you doing here?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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