𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔱𝔴𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔶

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storybrooke, maine

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storybrooke, maine

– RHAENYRA WAS WELCOMED TO STAY AT THE LOFT, AS SHE HAD WHILE THE OTHERS WERE GONE. Given the small space, she wound up sharing the upstairs bed with Henry, but when she came down in the morning, she began to think it might have been wiser to keep an eye on the downstairs. She was brushing her hair from her face as she sauntered down the steps when she noticed her dragon. He looked so peaceful, curled up on the table. At least until you acknowledged the vase that was no longer a vase on the floor.

"Drogon." She was careful not to wake the others, but that didn't make her tone any less accusing. His head poked up, eyes big and innocent like he was a puppy again, and she sighed, holding her arm out for him to crawl up and take his place on her back. With two snaps of her ringed fingers, the mess disappeared, and a new vase full of flowers appeared on the table.

It was past sunrise, but not late in the morning by any means, so the streets weren't particularly noisy as the princess made her way down to the beach. It was where she'd been when she was attacked, but fear was the last thing she felt. She wouldn't let one moron ruin such a beautiful thing for her. The skies were her home inherently, thanks to her blood, but the seas were just as much her home because that was how her favourite pirate had raised her. This was her safe place.


There wasn't much for Killian to do, presently. Especially not in broad daylight. Instead, he settled for checking over the ship again. Making certain that things were secure was never a bad passtime. But his attention was ripped very suddenly from that task by a familiar screech that filled the air. He whirled to see a winged shape emerge from somewhere behind the beach not too far off, rising higher into the sky. He knew that beast well. Drogon. His surprise was quickly replaced by a squeeze of anticipation in his chest. Wherever Drogon flew, Rhaenyra was always somewhere nearby. Taking his spyglass from his coat, he searched the beach until he saw a figure step out onto it. She was dressed differently here, and her hair was cut short, but there was no mistaking the silver hair for anyone else's, nor was there any way to deny that her stride was nearly identical to his own. She was really here. She stood directly within his line of sight. Relief flooded him. She didn't appear to be in any distress. Her arms were crossed over her chest in a way that he knew meant she was thinking deeply about something, and her gaze appeared to be fixated on the water.

For a short while, he debated whether or not he should approach her. Well, he knew he should, but could he? Twenty eight years was a long time, even if neither of them had felt it, and a part of him worried she would be angry for all their time apart.

Before he could come to a conclusion, his focus was diverted by a smaller figure that approached her from behind; a young boy who looked harmless enough. The figure that emerged behind him seemed less harmless. It was Emma, and with each step the pair took towards his daughter, his fear and anger rose further. If they hurt her... the boy called out, and Rhaenyra turned, expression bright. Emma too, gave the girl a smile as she pulled the boy into a little half-hug. That must be Emma's son. What was Rhaenyra doing with Emma's son? She couldn't possibly know the woman had betrayed him. He wondered if they even knew the pirate and the princess had any connection at all. No, he thought. She's been taught well. She knows better than to reveal her hand. Emma handed something to Rhaenyra, and before long, the three of them were headed back in the same direction they came from. Before long, they were gone from sight. Dammit.


Rhaenyra was watching the water, as if she wished she could spontaneously open a portal, when a familiar voice called her name. She turned with a smile as Henry rushed up to her, and pulled him into a side-hug. "Hey," Her eyes moved to Emma. "What are you two doing here?"

Emma shrugged, though her expression was kind. "Henry said you might be here. Thought you could use a little fuel." She held two coffees in her hand, and offered one to Rhaenyra, who chuckled.


"And we're making tacos!" Henry announced. "They're for the party tonight. You're coming right?"

She lifted a brow. "To the party or to make tacos?"


Another small laugh left her. "I suppose so. How could I say no to that?" She ruffled his hair as he grinned, giving his mother a nod, and the three of them turned back to town for things to make tacos. Drogon's screech made her look back only once. He seemed to be circling the docks, though what had grabbed his attention, she couldn't be sure. Brushing the thought away, she continued on. He'd come back when he smelled food, that was for sure.


Boots echoed off the sidewalk rhythmically, warm breath meeting the coolness of the nighttime air.Rhaenyra wasn't really sure where she was going, only that she wanted to be left alone. It seemed to be all she wanted these days. No, she didn't want to be alone, but there were few with whom she wished to speak, and fewer still that had any desire to approach her. It was why she'd slipped out of the party early, out the back door.

Things had started off well enough, sticking with Henry and David and Emma, a light conversation with Regina that brought them both a genuine smile. But soon Regina wandered off to sit alone, and the others that she were beginning to think of as friends became occupied with their family. No matter how long she'd spent being Henry's big sister, she knew she would probably always feel like an outsider when the whole family came together. She also knew that while the other townsfolk didn't hate her – which was impressive given the ruckus she and Drogon had caused – they were afraid to actually start a conversation with her. So instead of enduring watching others' happiness amongst family and friends, she left. It was for the best.

She didn't pay much attention to where she was going until she came to The Rabbit Hole. It was the only place in this town with any good drinks. How appropriate. When she stepped inside, the first thing she realised was that the music wasn't quite her taste, but wasn't far off either. She paid little mind to anything beyond that, making her way to the bar to take a seat there.

After a moment, a gruff voice spoke up beside her. "They don't serve kids here, girl. Best you find your way back to Granny's." a few chuckles arose, and she looked up to find a scrappy-looking git smirking at her. "I hear there's a nice party over there tonight. Maybe you can get some free cocoa."

Without opening her mouth, without even blinking, she snatched a knife from the nearby block and twirled it fluidly before slamming the tip down into the table-top. Her cold eyes didn't leave the man's, though his own expression had become uncertain, verging on fear. "Call me a kid again." he and his previously-laughing friends were dead silent, only moving when they turned to leave, casting an irritated look at the bartender for doing nothing.

Rhaenyra didn't actually notice him until he set down the glass he'd been cleaning and stepped towards her, calmly holding a hand out for the knife. "You're the dragon rider everyone's been talking about." It wasn't a question. He seemed nice enough. She pursed her lips apologetically and handed over the knife. His face split into a grin after he set it back where it belonged. "That was a good move." he acknowledged, nodding at the door the assholes had left through. He was tall and quite fairly built, brown hair and his voice carried a thick Australian accent. He had that look about him like he had a million sarcastic phrases on the tip of his tongue, and yet preferred respect and friendship to being a flat-out dick.

She huffed in slight amusement. "Thanks." Just then, a shrunken Drogon crawled from her pocket, taking up residence on the bar with his nose lifted like he reigned over absolutely everything.

The bartender's brows went up with a small, appreciative whistle. "So what can I get you?"

She was surprised for half a second by his willingness to serve someone who appeared to be seventeen. Then she smiled. "Bourbon. Strong." Maybe not everyone was afraid of her.

Storm Song || OUAT x GoT [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora