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meereen, slaver's bay

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meereen, slaver's bay

– LITTLE PRINCESS RHAENYRA COULDN'T UNDERSTAND WHY SHE WAS ALL ALONE. It made her very sad. She'd been meant to stay with Dahlia, a handmaiden her father bought for her and her brother before they were born. Dahlia said she came from a place called the summer isles, but was fluent in three languages; the common tongue, dothraki and low valyrian. Either way, Rhaenyra was meant to stay in the Great Pyramid with Dahlia while her mother went to some sort of game thing with her advisors. She didn't return.

Daario said there was an attack, and Drogon helped her escape, but where was she now? In the midst of uncertainty, Rhaenyra wanted her mother back. Since she could not have that, she presently hid in a small, shadowed nook while Grey Worm and some others searched the pyramid for her, but she didn't want to be found. She wanted to sulk and cry. First Ser Jorah went away, someone the princess had known all her life, then Ser Barriston, a kind man she'd known for nearly as long as she could remember, died. Now Ser Jorah was back and her mother was not. Why did she have to lose people to return others that she loved? It wasn't fair.

"I bet even I'm not small enough to fit in there." She jumped at the voice, looking up to find Tyrion Lannister, the queen's newest advisor looking at her with a half-amused, kind smile. He offered a hand. "That can't be comfortable." After a moment of hesitation, she took his hand, letting him pull her gently from her hiding place. "What's the matter, princess?"

"I want my muña." she said quietly. "Why did she have to leave? She's nice, so why do people want to hurt her?"

"You're a very smart girl aren't you?" Tyrion observed. He sighed. "I like to think I'm rather clever myself. But you see, not everyone is as smart as we are." he explained. "Sometimes those people who aren't smart are told things by mean people. Now, these mean people don't like your mother, and they've convinced the less smart people that she is not fit to rule this city, or Slaver's Bay. They say she's bad, but do you know what I believe?" She shook her head. "I think your mother is strong. And so are you."

"Will she come back?" Rhaenyra's voice was small, like she was afraid he'd say no.

He smiled. "Of course she'll come back. That's what strong people do. They always come back to prove the bad people wrong. Besides, your mother could never leave you. She loves you too much."

storybrooke, maine

– WHEN DAVID PICKED UP THE PHONE, HE WASN'T EXACTLY EXPECTING REGINA'S VOICE ON THE OTHER END. he was actually expecting Belle to tell him the mob had discovered Ruby was in the library, but the news he was about to get wasn't actually much better.

"Regina? Is Henry okay?"

"Henry's fine, but Rhaenyra's awake."

He frowned at her tone. "That's a good thing, isn't it?"

"It was. At least until she flew off. She's not backing him down, David, she's making things worse. She knows who attacked her, and now they're both out for blood."

"Wait, who attacked her??" The sun was sinking quickly, and the sooner they got answers, the better.

"She didn't say. But if you can find her, she'll know."

"I'll keep that in mind. Just keep Henry away from all of this." With that, the call clicked to an end, and he and Granny continued on searching for clues to the killer. The hope was that they'd find him before the vengeful dragons reduced Storybrooke to ash and headstones.

The last traces of sunlight had disappeared by the time they saw Drogon dive from the sky. The ground trembled slightly and his roars mixed with the sound of great force slamming against the ground. When they reached the dragon, every ounce of calm that had been there earlier was now nowhere to be found. "Where are you?!" Rhaenyra's voice shouted. "Coward!"

"Rhaenyra!" Finally noticing the prince, she glared down at him. "Stop this! You're going to hurt someone!"

"You speak as if more than one person hasn't been hurt already." She snapped. "Or killed, right?"

"We can put a stop to this, but fear and blood are not the way."

"No." She corrected harshly. "Fire and Blood are my way."

"This won't save Ruby." She faltered. "Whoever did this wanted to make you both look like monsters that this town can't trust, and it's like the both of you want him to be right."

Her eyes blazed, and for a long moment, her mouth was pressed into a hard line that revealed nothing, leaving David on edge. "Spencer." She finally bit out. "I was out for a walk and he hit me with his car and after that, I guess, cut me up with a hunting knife."

Drogon slammed his tail against the black car next to him with another roar, and he realised that must be Spencer's car. The pieces all fell into place. "Of course. He said he was going to prove I couldn't lead these people. He wants control. He's using you. And Ruby. Rhaenyra, you can't try to get revenge. If you do, you'll only be playing right into his plan. Can't we at least try to fix this the right way?"

She huffed a growling sigh. "We'll do it your way, Charming. For now."

"Thank you."


Rhaenyra's own cry of horror still echoed in her ears as she sat on the loft's couch, knees pulled into her chest. They'd found Ruby, saved her from the mob and exposed Spencer. She'd refrained from harming him to get the job done, just as she'd promised. And yet it seemed every good deed she put out would only be rewarded with pain. Jefferson's hat, the only chance they had at getting through to the Enchanted Forest, was gone. She was alone, cut off from Killian, the last family she had left.

As she stared blankly at the coffee table before her, she noticed David taking a seat next to her in her peripheral vision, looking just as lost and sombre as she felt. She wasn't the only one who'd lost something tonight. For a long moment they just sat there in silence, letting the hopelessness wash over them. Then Rhaenyra reached out and grabbed his hand. He flinched slightly, surprised, but when his eyes met hers, he knew the truth; she might be keeping her family secrets from him, but right now, they both needed support. They were both drowning in a feeling that only the other could hope to understand. And with that, the thread that was the alliance between them slowly grew to something stronger; friendship. And they were both grateful for it. 

I've said it before and I'll say it again; platonic, familial bonds are my FAVOURITE. I can't wait for this one to develop. Lmk what you think! <3

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