"So who's number one, Harris?" Scott asks looking at motel's ceiling; "Just because he's missing doesn't mean he'd dead" Stiles states.

"So if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is secretly out committing human sacrifices" Scott murmurs in question; Stiles looks at Scott answering his own question now.

"Yeah, I guess that just sounded way better in my head" he says; "Well, what if it's somebody else from school? Like remember Matt? We didn't know that he was killing people" Scott says.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, what? I, yes we did. I called that from day one actually." Stiles says now offended and getting off his bed.

"Yeah, but we never really seriously thought that it was Matt" Scott says, "I was serious. I was quite serious actually, deadly serious; no one listened to me except Marlo" Stiles answers using hand motions.

"Who are the other three?" Scott asks curiously, "Derek's sister, Cora, no one knows anything about her and she's Derek's sister, next, your boss." Stiles says.

"My boss?" Scott asks confused now also sitting up from his laying position; "Yeah, your boss, I don't really like the whole obi-wan thing he's got going on, you know? Freaks me out" Stiles states earning a confused look from Scott.

"Oh my god. Have you still not seen Star Wars?" Stiles asks. "I swear, if we make it back alive I will watch the movie" Scott says amused.

"It just makes me crazy" Stiles mutters. "Who is the last one?" Scott asks; "Ugh Lydia" Stiles sighs.

Scott now thinking about the previous time something like this happened; "She was totally controlled by Peter and she had no idea, so.." Stiles says nodding.

Scott nods as well; both boys fall backwards sighing at the same time onto their bed's again.

As Derek goes in and out of consciousness; he is aware his being carried by someone; that someone being his terrified girlfriend; she unlocks his loft's sliding door getting him inside.

"We should be taking you to the hospital Der" Marlo says worried at the man's blood loss; "No, no hospital" Derek weakly replies; Marlo's arm begins slipping from Derek's neck.

"Fuck Derek, I can't hold you anymore" Marlo says panicking knowing she's gonna drop the injured bloody male; as he falls to the ground in a tumble.

Marlo manages to catch up before his head hits his flooring saving him from another injury, "Derek?" Marlo questions horrified.

Seeing Derek losing consciousness and falling unconscious; she inhales and sighs before picking her boyfriend and the alpha up again taking him to his large bed behind her.

"Wake up babe, come on" Marlo says softly, he groans in pain as she lays him softly on his bed now hoping and praying he'll wake up soon and heal.

She looks at him worried and bites her lip before walking over to the large window beside his bed looking out to the view.

"Don't take him from me as well please" Marlo says sadly to the sky, as her eyes fill up with the tears she's been holding in since seeing Derek injured next to her car.

Back at the motel; Scott is in the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror in confusion and curiously moves his hand to his eye leaning forward looking at it seeing it flash red like an alpha; being startled he steps back shocked and even more confused.

Stiles goes down the staircase of the motel to the vending machine to grab some snacks for both himself and Scott as well; being growing teenagers and hungry; noticing Boyd also staring blankly at the machine.

In The End ✶ Derek HaleWhere stories live. Discover now