- five

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THE DRIVE MIGHT TAKE AROUND A FEW HOURS. For the first few minutes inside of the van with Aya-san, Murakami-san, and Sakurada-san. Silence engulfed the whole room. I thought that Aya-san must have initiated a conversation, but it turns out that I was wrong. I look at her and notice that she is actually looking- no- staring at me.

"Your skin is so smooth. What is your skincare?" she asked me out of blue. Baffled by the question.

"I only use a cleanser and moisturizer? One of the members of my group actually helps me when it comes to skincare."

Her eyes are full of interest, "Who is she?"

"It was Woochu...?" I answered a bit unsure if it is actually alright for me to share that detail. I swear that I could see her eyes sparkling from what I said.

"I would love to meet her." the genuine expression on her face made me smile.

"I am sure that both of you will get along so well."

"Anyone would like to have some sandwiches?" my head automatically turn to the source of the voice. Sakurada-san is holding a bento box which I assume is where the sandwiches are, "I made some."

He look around too and his eyes stop on mine and chuckled.

"Kaedehara-san is smiling so brightly."

Now, I could feel all eyes on me. But my eyes and mind are focused on the sandwiches. Sakurada-san handed out one sandwich to each of us.

"Woah, this is so well made Sakurada-san." I complimented it the moment I unwrap the cover and immediately tasted it. I hum happily in approval.

"This tastes so good, Sakurada-san!" I couldn't help but say that by showing him a thumbs up that I really liked it. The sandwich is simple but packed with flavors. There is something in the sauce that makes it more flavorful.

"The way you eat is entertaining," Murakami-san commented and I almost spit out what I am chewing when I felt the urge to laugh. Key word: almost.

"She is eating so well," Aya-san added while watching me. I nudged at her, "Hey, try it as well. It is really good!"

She then tries it out and nods her head continuously looking at Sakurada-san.

"She is right. This is good, Sakurada-san."

Murakami-san also took a bite, "Yeah it really is."

Now it was Sakurada-san's turn to smile brightly.

"That makes me really happy. Thank you so much." He said, "I will make sure to find Kaedehara-san whenever I have food. She is good at attracting customers."

Aya-san agrees, "Just watching her makes you curious about just how good it tastes."

"Even if the one she is eating is expired?" Murakami-san questioned and that made me freeze.

"Hey! That is not what I meant!" Aya-san answered while laughing, "There is no way she will eat something expired herself, right?" she asked me but I remained frozen.

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