- seven

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I WASN'T ABLE TO SLEEP THAT MUCH but I manage to take a nap enough for me to function later. I stretched and then stared into the space.

I don't why Murakami-san following me on Instagram keeps on bothering me. Not in a bad way but there is this kind of reaction that I can't really explain. It is a fuzzy feeling, like when the first time I felt when my sunbaenims followed me back— ah! Maybe that is why!

I consider Murakami-san as a sunbaenim or in Japanese terms a senpai and that is why I felt like a fangirl when he followed me because I am seeing it from a perspective of a fangirl who got noticed by their idol.

So that's why I am feeling fuzzy and happy.

Now that is resolved. I rose from my seat and decided to wash up and check where Aya-san is.

I wore a brown hoodie and black jogging pants. After my fit check in the mirror. I left our room, making sure first that I locked it. I made my way downstairs when I heard familiar voices while walking down.

The owner of the voices is Aya-san with Yamazaki-san and Kaneko-san.

Aya-san saw me from the stairs and wave the coffee that I ordered to her earlier. I smiled widely seeing one of my favorite things in the world.

"Don't worry, this is still hot. I just got it delivered."

I thanked her and grab the coffee then said that I will pay her back in the room.

"It's alright! My treat!" while she was saying that, she pulled me to seat beside her. I politely greeted them especially Kaneko-san since we don't really have many interactions before.

"Is this the rumored kpop idol?" he asked.

Aya-san nodded quite eagerly, "Yep! This is Kaedehara Kaede-chan of Palette!"

With her enthusiastic introduction. I formally introduced myself to him.

"It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Kaedehara Kaede from Palette," I extended my hand to offer a handshake which he accepted.

He smiled at me brightly, "My daughter is a big fan of Palette. That is why when I heard that a Palette member was also given a part here. I tried to look for you and only manage to meet you right now."

The information that his daughter is a fan already brought me so much happiness to me.

"Can I ask how old is your daughter?"

"Oh, she is seven years old,"

"She must be a cutie."

Aya-san offered to take a picture of us with a sign for his daughter.

"Sayuri will surely be delighted with this when I give it to her."

"Please let me know if she will come and visit. I would love to meet her."

"Oh, what is this?" Ayaka-san suddenly appeared beside me, "Oh, it is nothing." I replied as we sat back down. I opened the coffee that Aya-san got me and my whole body got refreshed from the taste of caffeine.

"Where did you go?"

"We found a shopping district a few streets away. So, we checked it out."

"With no managers in tow?"

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