- eight

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"AND CUT!" THE DIRECTOR SIGNALED and we all sighed in relief when we finally finished the scene. I checked the clock on the wall, six hours has passed and I could feel my stomach growling.

"That's a wrap for today. You guys did a great job." Shunsuke-san also added some comments and tips on what we should prepare for the next scenes.

I walk towards Mio-san who handed me bottled water.

"You have combat training tomorrow," she told me and I nodded putting that into my mental schedule.

The next scene I will be in is going to be a combat one. My character will run through some militants with Niragi leading them. Dori-san and I will be going to practice the scenes together.

Mio-san excused herself for a moment and I put my remaining time to use. I reviewed the script and imagined myself acting in it. Think about what emotion and how should I execute it.

Ruka's character is starting to form for me. Her aura is slowly becoming the aura that I always try to be when I am on stage. That charismatic and badass vibes.

I couldn't help but feel nervous and excited about the training. We were supposed to do the training camp for the stunts all month before we start filming. Unfortunately, the majority of the cast members are busy and cannot attend the training. From what I heard both Aya-san and Ayaka-san had runway shows and modeling gigs at that time. Dori-san has a show with his band and Kento-san is doing CF filming. And of course, I was still in Korea promoting our new album's song.

As for Murakami-san... I honestly don't have any idea what he was doing last month.

According to Aya-san, she only interacted with Murakami-san just recently when we started the filming. Apparently, Murakami-san is a very private person. Other than some facts that you can find on the internet. You can't really discover from their activities. He is also not that active on his socials which makes it even harder to keep up to date with him.

For years ever since we received permission to have our own social accounts. I and the other members are obligated to make it updated and for us to learn how to utilize the promotion using the internet. We have gotten a hang of it and in the end, we enjoyed doing it. It was an enjoyable experience where we can still interact with our fans despite of our distance.

That is why hearing that a known actor like Murakami-san is not really a social media person is kind of new to me. Based on my impression of him, he is really an amazing person.

"Ah, Mio-san. Can I post this on my Insta story?" I asked when I manage to spot her approaching me. She take a glance over at the picture and hummed an approval.

"Sure, that is alright." I thanked her and finally posted it. Since I am already on my socials. I got distracted and browse my timeline. Reacting to the posts of the other members. I saw that Lixa already posted an announcement about what she told us about. Of course, being a supportive friend and member as I am. I re-story it and even sent a sweet short message- 릭스시, 행운과 파이팅! (Lixxy, good luck, and fighting!) - satisfied with that I was about to continue scrolling when I felt something cold touching my cheeks.

"Freshen up," I turn around and I see Murakami-san holding a can of cola. He handed it to me which I happily accepted.

"Are you allowed to drink cola? I heard that Korean idols have a very strict diet." He asked.

"Do you see Mio-san around?"


I winked at him, "Then that means it's alright. Coast is clear." I said to him and he replied with a laugh.

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