Chapter 14

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Aemond walked over to Scott and he grabbed his dagger. He then stabbed Scott in the stomach. He gasped. "Aemond?!" Scott yelped

"Don't move!" Gerard said to Scott. "Even thought I can pratically feel the tissue around the blade already trying to heal, you never know with a Beta." Aemond snarled. "Besides, we'd lose this perfect picture. The kind best friend enbracing his favorite friend after hearing the good news from the doctor." Aemond shook the dagger and Scott gasped. 

"That's right. I can play the nice, doddering grandpa who likes to cook and tell stories and be sweet and charming. And trust me, I can do it far better than you playing average broken, hearted teenage boy."

Aemond pushed the blade in father. Scott groaned in pain. "Are you listening?!" Aemond snarled. "Yes."

"Perfect. Now, you're gonna owe me a favor one of these days. and you're gonna do it or Aemond's dagger goes in her." Gerard said and Scott saw he was looking at Melissa his mother. "Scott... I truly believe that it's so much easier when bads things don't have to happen to people."

"Don't you agree?"

"Yes." Aemond ripped the blade out. He smirked and walked off. 

Margaret Hale POV

I was sitting in front of Isaac and he was making jokes. I was with Aemond, Scott and Stiles. Scott was glaring at Aemond for some reason. 

We got in our 3rd period. "All right, listen up. A quick warning before we begin our review. Some of you, Like McCall, might want to start their own study groups, Because tomorrow's midterm is so profoundly difficult... I'm not even sure I could pass it. Okay, I need a volunteer at the board to answer the first question." 

I raised my hand. 

"It can't be Margie. She's fine." Aemond told Scott and Stiles. 

I was writing down notes from the ones who wrote on the board. I tensed when I saw the person. 

Everyone was staring at me. I felt super nervous. The person then turned and I saw Peter. I started crying. He three desks and chairs. I put myself up against the wall. I whimpered crying. He blew something in my face. 

"Margaret..." I opened my eyes. "Okay them, anybody else want to try answering? This time in English?" The class laughed. 

I then sat down. 

"What is that greek?" Scott asked. "No, It's English!" Stiles said. He showed them the words were backwards.

It said Someone help me. 

I was sitting in 4th. I looked in my lab notebook. Aemond then sat next to me and Stiles and Scott on the other side. I smiled at Aemond. 

Allie stared at Scott confused. He motioned behind us. "Einstein once said, 'Two things are infinite, The universe and human stupidity, And I'm not sure about the universe.'" Mr. Harris quoted. "I myself have encountered infinite stupidity." He said as he patted Scott and Stiles's shoulder. 

"So, to combat the lague of ignorance in my class, you're going to combine efforts through a round of group experiments. Let's see if two heads are indeed better than one. Or in Mr. McCall and, Mr. Stilinski's case less than two." I looked at Stiles.

"Erica, you take the first station. You'll start with..." Everyone raised their hands. Erica smirked. "I didn't ask for volunteers. You can put your hormonal little hands down." Mr. Harris snapped. "Start with Mr. McCall."

Allie looked away. 

I was working on the project with Aemond. "Switch."

Aemond quickly kissed me. "Look, do not talk to Erica or Isaac, understand?"


"Just don't!" I nodded. "Let's go, Argent. Next station." Mr. Harris said. "Trust me, all right?" I nodded. Scott was at the next one with me. 

The bell rung and Isaac was with me next. I smiled at him. Stiles went to get up but Mr. Harris stopped him. "If you're trying to test my patience, Mr. Stilinski, I guarantee it'll be a failing grade."

Isaac watched me make the crystal and I felt nervous. 

"What are you gonna do to her?" Aemond asked. "Don't you think the better question is what's she gonna do to us?" Erica asked. 

I looked back at Aemond who looked at me. I noticed a dagger hidden inside his jacket. 

"I have to say, you guys are cute together." Aemond smiled and turned to Erica. "But you know, I've always had this feeling like I'm a little psychic. I just don't think you two are gonna last." Erica said. 

"You think you can hurt me by threatening my girlfriend?" He asked. "Would you rather it be you?"

Aemond then grabbed his dagger and put it at her stomach. "It has wolfsbane on it bitch."

"Come on. Fight in lab. It'll be hot." Aemond started to press the dagger in her side. "Time!"

I looked at the thing and saw it was a crystal. "Now, for the part of that last experiment I'm sure you'll all enjoy, you can eat it." 

Isaac held out the crystal to me. I took it. 

"MARGARET!" I turned to Scott. "What?" I asked. 

I took a bite out of the crystal. 

Aemond saw Derek outside. He saw his face when he realized the Kanima could be his own daughter.  

I was sitting in the library with Aemond. 

We got to Scott's house. Jackson came with us. Stiles locked the door. "Uh... there's been a few break-ins around the neighborhood." He put a chair against the doorknob. "And a murder."

Aemond then turned to me. "Marg, come on." I nodded and followed him to a room. "What's up?" I asked. 

I sat down on the bed. "Okay, so the reason everyone's acting all weird is because Derek tested you with the Kanima venom." I looked at him. "It didn't affect you at all and he thinks it's you. I felt like crying. "He's going to kill me?" I asked crying.

Aemond hugged me softly. He kissed my head. 

I heard a thud downstairs. Aemond got up. 

I walked out of the room. I saw Allie. "Get back. Someone's trying to break in. Go. Margaret, go!"

I then went in a room that was locked. I called 911. 

Aemond grabbed his sword. "Stiles! IT'S HERE!"

He then had an idea. He grabbed his dagger and put the Kanima venom on it. 

He saw Erica. He had his dagger in his hand. "This might make me sound like kind of a bitch... But I've always wondered what it was like to kill someone's girlfriend. I bet it's a pretty sick rush of power. I think I might try it with Margaret." Erica laughed. 

Aemond threw his dagger. She caught it by the blade. "Seriously? You didn't actually that would work?"

"Actually I did!" Aemond said. 

She then saw the venom. She then dropped on the ground paralyzed. Aemond smirked. 

"Bitch!" He sneered as he got out of the room. 

I ran out of the house. "CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!" Dad saw me and his eyes widened. 

Aemond turned. "It's Jackson!"

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