Chapter four

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Margaret Hale POV

I was sleeping with Aemond's arm around my waist when we heard a noise downstairs. I saw Aemond come back in. "What was it?" I asked. "My mom. She just got a little car trouble." I nodded. Aemond climbed back in with me and we both fell back asleep. 

Aemond opened his bedroom door to see his mother. "Hey!" She smiled. "Hi." He said bluntly. He wanted nothing to do with her. "Who's that?" She asked about Margie who was asleep.

"My girlfriend." He said. "Your pregnant one?" He nodded. "So what if she is? We're keeping it." He stated. He grabbed his blade and he hid it underneath his cloak. 

"I just want to make sure your gonna be there for her-"

"I will. Now can you get out so I can wake her?" His mother left the room. 

I woke up to Aemond shaking me. "Hmm?" I asked. "Good morning, beautiful." He smiled. I smiled. "Hey." He kissed me softly. 

"Come on, mama. You gotta get up!" I nodded. 

I got up and got dressed. 

Aemond was at his locker when someone slammed beside him. "Derek? What's wrong?" He asked. "Where's Maggie?" He asked. "She's at my car waiting for me-"

"Take me to her." Aemond nodded. 


I was standing at the car when I noticed Aemond accidentally dropped someone. 

I ran over. "DADDY?!" I cried. I slid down next to him. "Dad? What's wrong? What hapened?" I asked Aemond. "He came here like that said he needed to look for you!" 

"Dad. What is it?" I asked. 

"I was shot." Dad said. I paled. "He's not looking so good, Margie." Stiles said. "Why aren't you healing?" I asked. "I can't. It was a different type of bullet." He said. "A silver bullet?" Stiles asked. "No, you idiot!" Dad snarled. 

"Wait, wait. That's what she meant when she said you had 48 hours." Scott said. "What? W-Who said 48 hours?" Dad asked. 

"The one who shot you." He said. 

Dad's eyes started glowing blue. "What are you doing? Stop that!"

"That's what I'm telling you I can't." 

"Dad, get up!" I said. I helped him get in Stile's car. 

Aemond walked over to Dad. 

They spoke for a few seconds. "Get him out of here." He told Stiles. They drove off. 

Me and Aemond got in his car and we got in his car. 

We got there and I was sitting on his bed. "He said he needed some sort of bullet." I nodded. "He said my mother said he 48 hours before he dies." I nodded. 

Aemond and me got downstairs. I smiled when I saw Chris. "Hi, Margie!" He hugged me softly. I smiled. 

"How's the baby?" He asked. "Okay. Aemond's saying it's a girl." I said. Chris smiled. "Let's just hope it's a boy!" I laughed. 

We got inside. Scott was with us. I was sitting next to Aemond. They made sure the meat was fully cooked. I looked at Scott. He looked nervous. "Would you like soemthing else to drink besides water, Scott?" Victoria asked. "Oh... No, I'm good. Thanks." He sid. 

"We can get you some beer." Chris said. Aemond smirked. He was trying not to laugh. "N-No, thanks."

"Shot of tequila?" He asked. "Dad. Really?" Allison asked. "You don't drink, Scott?" Chris asked. "No, I'm not old enough to."

"That doesn't seem to stop many teenagers." Victoria said. "No, but it should." 

"Good answer. A total lie, but well played, Scott." Aemond's mother Kate said. "You may yet survive the night." She said. 

"You ever smoke pot?" Chris asked. 

Aemond choked on his water. I laughed. "Okay. Changing the channel to something a little less conservative." Kate laughed. "So, Scott, Allison and Aemond tells us you're on the lacrosse team." She asked. He nodded. "I'm sorry, I don't know anything about that. How do you play?" She asked. 

"Um, well, you know hockey?" He asked. "Mmm-hmm."

"It's a lot like that, only played on grass instead of ice." He said. "Hockey on grass is called field hockey." Chris said. I coughed. "So it's like field hockey, except the sticks have nets." Aemond said explaining it to his mother. 

"And can you slap check like hockey?" Kate asked. "Um... Yeah. But it's only the gloves and the sticks." Scott answered. "Sounds violent." Kate said. She turned to Chris. "I like it." She whispered. "Scott's amazing too. Aemond should join but he won't. Dad and Aemond came with us to the first game. Wasn't he cool?" Allison asked. 

"He was only good because I gave him advice." Aemond teased Allison and made a face at her. She stuck her tongue out. I smiled. "He scored the last shot, the winning shot." Allison said.

"True. But he didn't score at all until the last few minutes." Chris said. I sighed. "His last shot ripped a hole through the goalie's net. It was awesome!" I said. 

"Well, I think the goalie was probbably playing with a defective stick so..." Allison slammed her cut down mad. 

I sighed. "You know, on second thought, I think I'll take that shot of tequila."

"Your kidding right?" Chris asked. "Yeah."

Aemond was holding my hand when Scott came back. I got it he mouthed. Aemond nodded. "Hey, I should get going. Um, thanks for dinner." Scott said. "Oh, no. You have to stay for dessert. I want to know more about you. Sit down." She told Scott. 

I had my head on Aemond's shoulder. "Aemond was just telling us that you work for a veterinarian." Victoria said. "Allison told them how you put the cast on the dog we hit." Aemond said. 

"What does your boss think of the animal attacks? Any theories?" Chris asked. "Everyone's just saying it's a mountain lion." Scott said. Kate laughed. "Have to be a pretty large mountain lion." 

Aemon looked at Chris. "What do you think, Scott?" He asked. "I don't know.  we usually get cats and dogs at the vets. Nothing that vicious."

"Never had to deal with a rabid dog?" Chris asked. Scott shook his head. Chris nodded. "Oh. I grew up with a lot of dogs. I saw one get rabies from a bat. It was transferred through the bite. People think that a rabid dog suddenly goes mad. It's a lot more gradual. First stage is subtle changes in behavior. They're restlss, morose. It's the second stage that people know. The furious phase. That's when they attack. And we're talking any moving object." I listened closely. 

"Did you know that a caged, rabid dog will break its own teeth trying to chew through the bars?" Chris asked. Scott shook his head. "It'll even rear back and snap its own spine. Can you imagine the amount of force it would take to do that? It's a complete character reversal." He told us. "This harmless animal turned into a perfectly vicious killer. And it all started with that one bite."

"But it died, didn't it?" Allie asked. "Yes, because Aemond killed it." Victoria said. I looked at him. "Because he wanted to put it out of its misery." Ally assumed. 

"No, because it was too dangerous. Something that out of control is better off dead." Aemond said looking at Scott. He looked away. 

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