Chapter 12

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Margaret Hale POV

"It had a tail. Scott doesn't have a tail." Aemond told me. "Maybe you just haven't grown it yet." I joked. "He's not gonna grow a tail. I'll cut it off." I laughed. 

I then looked at him. "Are you slowing down for me?" He asked. "I was waiting for you." I said. "What? Waiting for me to catch up?" He asked. "You looked like you were struggling." I said. 

"Maybe I was admiring the view." He teased looking at my ass. "Try admiring from afar!" I said. 

I didn't slow down and noticed him where I was. I kicked his foot and he fell. Everyone laughed and I smiled. 

I got down and smiled at Aemond. I helped him up. Me and Aemond stood by the side watching Erica. She was epileptic. 

She then started crying and hyperventalating. Aemond got over. "Erica. Dizzy? Is it Vertigo?" Coach asked. "Vertigo is a dysfunction of the vesitbular system of the inner ear. She's just freaking out!" Lydia sneered. 

Aemond glared her. "Coach it's not safe. You know she's epileptic." He said. 

"W-why doesn't anybody tell me this stuff. Erica, you're fine. Just-just kick off from, from the wall. There's a mat here to catch you!" She kicked off the wall. 

Once she got down I got over to her. "See you're good." I put my arm around her back and I walked with her. 

I was getting changed in the girls room when I had an off feeling. I looked at my shaking hand. "What is it?" Allie asked. I then ran into the gym. 

Right as Erica fell off the wall and I caught her. I put her down and on her side. 

"How'd you know?" Allie asked. "I just felt it!" I told her. She nodded. 

I held Erica's hand as she had the seizure. 

I was in Aemond's room. I sighed as I flipped through a book. "Okay. What's wrong?" He asked as he sat down in front of me. "I just... What if I wasn't there and I didn't catch her in time?" I asked. Aemond sighed. "Scott would've sensed it if you didn't. I already went to the hospital. Erica's okay. I scolded her for almost 10 minutes about taking her meds." I smiled. 

Aemond then kissed me softly. "She'll be okay." I nodded.

I was at lunch with Scott and Aemond. We were waiting for Stiles. Scott then tensed and turned to the door. I looked. 

Erica walked in but she was changed. She walked over to a boys table and took a bite out of his apple. 

"What. The Holy Hell. Is that?" Lydia asked us. "It's Erica." Aemond said. 

I got up and Aemond, Stiles, and Scott followed me. 

We ran outside and saw her leaving with my dad.  He just smiled at us and he drove off. 


Aemond was sitting backwards in the chair at Allison's desk and I laughed at something Lydia said. We heard a knock and saw Chris. "Headed out?" He asked us. "Studying." Allie said. 

She sighed and walked over. They whispered for a little bit. 

"I know how this might sound but I want you to keep an eye on her and Margie!" Chris said. "You want me to spy on them?"

"We want you to look out for your friends to make sure everything's okay with them." 

I booped Aemond's nose and he glared at me. I laughed. We noticed Lydia taking pictures of her shoes. I laughed. 

We got to the Ice Rink. 

I grabbed Aemond's hand and we got some shoes on. 

I took Aemond's hand and I got out onto the Ice with him. 

I spinned in a full circle. I then got over to where Aemond was. "Are you coming?" I asked. I took his hand and he skated with me.

I then bent down and noticed some purple pedals. I followed them and saw a plant in the ice. I saw something in the ice. 

I saw Peter's face and his head started shaking. I screamed. 

Scott and Allison ran out. 

They saw Aemond holding Margaret as she screamed. 

Aemond looked at them. 

"Wow, that really hurt, Scott." Dad said. Scott turned and he saw me right beside Dad. He looked. "Really, Margie? You're siding with him?" He asked. 

I didn't answer. "I mean, if you're going to review me... At least take a consensus." Dad said pointing to me, Erica, and Isaac. "Erica, how's life been for you since we met?" Dad asked her. 

"Hmm. In a word... Transformative." She snarled as her fangs showed. "Isaac?" 

"Well, I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I'm great." Isaac said. "Okay, hold on. This isn't exactly a fair fight." Scott said. 

"Then go home, Scott." Aemond spoke up from beside me. He didn't move. Derek turned and Erica and Isaac walked over. "I meant fair for them!" He growled. 

He then roared. 

Scott started to fight with Isaac and Erica. Dad kept me behind him. "Don't you get it? He's not doing it for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift, when all he's done is turned you into a bunch of guard dogs!" Scott snarled. 

They slid over at Dad's feet. "It's true. It is about power." Dad said. He then walked over to Scott. He pulled out his claws. 

He got over to Scott. He headbutted him and then scratched him then punched him. He punched him in the face and then the stomach. Scott Elbowed Dad and he smirked. He then threw Scott. down. He spit out blood. 

Dad stepped on Scott's chest. He growled. He then stepped off him. He glanced at Boyd. 

I walked off with Dad and the others. 

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