Chapter 29: Oliver

Start from the beginning

How would we tell Owen his twin sister is dead?

What would we do if it was one of our twin sisters?

The three of us approached her slowly.

"Oliver be ready to catch her. Im going to cut the ropes off her arms and legs."

I stood in front of Jenifer, ready to catch her. Owen stood behind me, he looked scared and on the verge of tears.

Oakley took out his knife and slowly cut off all the ropes from around her.

Owen was right, she was tiny.

She fell right into my arms and probably barely weighed 30 pounds.

Oakley came over to me and Jenifer and he put his hand on her neck, feeling for a pulse.

"She's got a pulse, it's very weak but it's there," he said.

I then placed my hand on her chest and felt it rising and falling, she was breathing!

Thank God she was alive, but she might not be for long if we don't hurry up and get her out of here and get home.

"Let's take her upstairs and try and clean her up and wrap her up before we go," Oakley said

I laughed "You make it sound like she's a fruit that's going to be eaten."

Oakley glared at me.

We went upstairs into the kitchen, I lied her down on the table and started looking through our bag for things that could help her.

Oakley started to get towels and water to clean her off.

Owen held her hand with silent tears rolling down his little face.

I Oakley started trying to wipe off all the blood out of her face and off of her body.

As we cleaned her off we could see her wounds and where the blood was coming from.

She had a large wound on her forehead that the blood all over her face was coming from. Then she had hand-shaped bruises around her neck and what looked like belt marks across her face. Further down she had large bruises around her ribs and stomach where it looked like someone had stepped on her.

Oakley and I managed to wipe all the blood off of her and started to try and dress her wounds when suddenly it sounded like a car was approaching, it was easy to tell with the door broken down.

"Shit, Owen, are your parents home?" I asked.

He grabbed my hand in fear, "Yes that's the sound of their car."

"Oliver, you grab Owen and Jenifer and run out the back door, ill stall for as long as I can and will meet you out there," Oakley said picking Jenifer up and putting her into my arms.

With one hand holding Owen and the other carrying Jenifer, we ran out the back door into the woods that surrounded their home.

I heard the sound of a man yelling "What the hell is going on!?! What are you doing in my house!?!"

I ran even faster, picking up Owen and holding him in my other arm, trying to get the twins away as fast as possible.

I could feel Owen shaking with fear in my arms. He was terrified of his parents.

I ran deep into the woods where we wouldn't be seen but still close enough so that Oakley could find us.

I put Owen down and held Jenifer close to me.

"Owen, why don't you open up the backpack and take out the extra jacket and pants you brought for Jenifer?" I asked him, it was very cold outside and I wanted to preserve as much of her body heat as we could plus it gave Owen something to focus on so he would be less scared.

I helped him gently put the massive-looking clothes on her.

"Is Oakley going to be okay? My dad sounded very mad and he is very scary. I don't want him to hurt him." Owen said grabbing on to me again.

I looked down at him and pulled him close, "No buddy, Oakley knows what he is doing. He will be just fine, I promise."

"Pinkey promise?"

"I Pinkey promise," I told him

This didn't stop and Owens's next great question was "Why didn't Oakley run with us?"

"Well, your dad knew that someone was there so Oakley stayed so that your dad only saw him and not you and Jenifer. Oakley will probably just play it off like he was just some punk teen looking for some fun and thought that the house was abandoned." That had worked before with the cops so it would probably work with some crazy drunk.

"If your dad saw all four of us we wouldn't be able to trick him," I told Owen.

He nodded and then snuggled his head into my arm "Im sleepy Oille."

"I know, but we have to wait for Oakley before we can go back home. Why don't we sit down and you can lean on me and try and fall asleep? When Oakley gets back he will carry you home." I sat down with Jenifer still in my right arm and now Owen was lying on my left arm.

Thankfully it didn't take Oakley long to come find us although he was in a bit of a rough state.

"Oak what happened? Are you ok?" I asked looking at his face where he had a black eye and busted lip.

"Yeah I'm fine, just got into a bit of a tussle with their dad. He got a few good hits on me before I managed to get his leg with my sword and sent him down."

"I thought you were just going to try and talk your way out of this, not actually hurt the dude," I said.

"Well I tried but he didn't really listen before he punched me in the face, and to be fair, I think he deserves all the pain I can give him," Oakley said looking at Jenifer.

"I suppose you are right"

"When am I not?" He said with a smirk.

"I'm bout to give you another black eye if you don't stop."

"I would like to see you try, little brother."

"Your lucky I have the twins sleeping on me right now or else you would be done for," I taunted.

He picked up Owen and said, "Excuses excuses little brother, or even better baby brother. Yes, I like that better. My little baby brother Oliver." He tried to ruffle my hair but I knocked his hand away.

"You are 20 minutes older than me Oakley, you are not all that." I continued as we started walking out of the woods and towards the main road.

Our bickering was soon interrupted by screams.


Hi everyone, I'm so happy to be back and writing.

If you missed the update my name is being changed and I have now created a new tiktok and Instagram, both are @clara.grace.banks, where I plan to start advertising and promoting my book so please go and give those a follow!

I love you all and I plan to start much more frequent updates, possibly up to 3 updates a week!

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