chapter 89 old habits Don't die for a reason

Start from the beginning

Momo:it...happened a few weeks ago or months i...i can't really remember right now the date, anyway Iida came in saying things about that fictional arranged marriage my father has agreed with...

Izuku:momo i don't give...

Momo; please.....please at least let me tell you how it all happened before anything else that's all i ask

*Momo said in a pathetic tone. He was so close to the edge he could taste it so close of letting his hatred and anger consume him and make him scream, insult absolutely humiliate the woman in front of him. That is until he felt the soft hand of tsuyu on top of his, he looked at her giving him a worried look making him sigh and figuratively walked away from the edge*


*Izuku said with gritted teeth as momo continued*

Momo: thank you, he....he insulted you, he said you were faking you're back injury when he said that i....i just saw red! I was so angry i screamed i don't even remember what but i do remember i told him you had 8 plates And he...

Izuku:connected the dots

*Izuku sucked in a breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose letting his head fall back against the couch*

Momo:y..yes izuku i am....


Momo:but i...

Izuku:i said no momo, no do you're bullshit apology

Kyoka:hey you don't have to be so cold it was an accident!!

*Kyoka glared at izuku who slowly pulled his head back up and looked at kyoka with his uncaring eyes*

Izuku:i don't remember giving you permission to speak but fine. Accident? You say accident but does that mean the consequences will magically go away? Because of Momo's little slip

*Izuku said the last word with all the venom he could muster*

Izuku:my family is in danger, and unlike you lot we are not heroes. We are civilians tsuyu hasn't done any training in almost 10 years and I'm disabled care to think what would happen if say a fucking todomomo lovers finds us? Don't even bother I'll tell you the same thing that happened all those years ago the fucking fire

*Immediately izuku squeezed tsuyu's hand to give her the support she so desperately needed as kyoka looked down this should've made lzuku stop kyoka pissed him off and with everything izuku needed and outlet kyoka will be that outlet*

Izuku:want to talk again huh? Want to go in and defend the undefendable? Momo fucked up no two ways about it only problem like always when I'm involved with someone from UA, MY FAMILY is the one that gets hurt. So do me a favor and listen do what i said in the begining shut.THE.FUCK!.UP!!!

*Izuku said getting up glaring at kyoka who didn't dare look back up*

Izuku:now both of you get out grab Eri I'll see her on Friday and get.out.

Momo:but izuku please...

Izuku:I SAID NO MOMO!! You don't get to say "you're sorry" as if that will make everything go away aren't you listening how many time do i have to say it to get through do you!? You put my family in danger!! This is all you're fault momo there's nothing you can say that will make this anger go away!

*Izuku took deep breath as he felt tsuyu hugging his back hiding her face in his back, izuku took some deep breath calming down*

Izuku:now. Get out I'm in no condition to see you right now I'm in even less condition to take care of eri i need time to calm down and you being here won't cure that so get Eri and leave.....please

*Momo nodded softly getting up and going up stairs after a bit she came down with a slightly puffy eye Eri who hugged her father, lzuku hugged her back in the back of his mind he felt guilt for making his daughter cry but he couldn't deal with that now he'll deal with it on Saturday. Today he had to concentrate on tsuyu and his safety*

Eri:i love you dad be safe

*Izuku kissed her forehead and rested his head on top of her*

Izuku:love you too Eri I'm sorry. Please be safe things....things are going to get worse before they get better

*Eri nodded softly before leaving lzuku closed the door and locked it. Call it paranoia, call it being over protectiveness izuku didn't care izuku put a chair under the handle so it couldn't be opened by the outside while tsuyu wasn't that far behind closing all the windows and curtains once they finished they sat softly on the couch tsuyu hiding her face in the crook of izuku's neck while izuku holds her tighter as he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to find anything to distract them until night time*

Izuku:i love you tsuyu

Tsuyu:i love you too izuku no matter what we're in this together

Izuku: Yes together....

*Tsuyu didn't see izuku's face, she didn't see his eyes losing its shine a bit as he begins to let his old habits take a hold of him*

Izuku"I'll protect her even if it cost me my life...."

To be continued or on Patreon

Special thanks to:

Ben knight


Jacob Mooe



nT_wolf 0


Ayham Alqaissi

José Ruiz Dé Austri

George Alves

Thai Nguyen

Trevor Ferguson

Ty Kennedy

Jameil fluker





William Washington

Thank you again for the donation

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