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                They move me into a wheel chair, against Doc's orders. Got me on the deck of the ship, the sun starting to set. We go to the bow of the ship and set up a few chairs and a quick makeshift altar. I just sat there in my wheelchair, most of my body wrapped up like a mummy. Grover stood behind me as my best man, Hestia, Mom and Estelle sitting on chairs facing me on my side. Thalia, Nico, and Will on Annabeth's side.

Athena runs up the makeshift aisle and stands next to me at the officials spot. Thalia pulls up the wedding music on her phone, and Annabeth appears. The whole crew of the ship on the deck watching a little bit away. Annabeth slowly walks down the aisle. Wearing a cut up doctor coat, turned into an actually nice looking wedding dress. She is also wearing her beat up sneakers. Her face is hidden behind a veil of doctor masks, but I can tell she is bright red under it.

She reaches the altar and stand in front of me, and I nod back to Grover. He quickly gets his arms undermine and lifts me up, letting me stand. He holds me like that, and I reach out to hold her hands.

"Percy..." Annabeth says softly.

"You think I'm gonna sit down for this?" I say with a smirk.

I take of her veil of medical masks and her cheeks are bright red, with a warm smile and loving gray eyes.

"You are so beautiful." I smile.

"Back at you." She smirks.

"We are gathered here today to witness—"

"Come on Mom, skip ahead. Grover looks like he's dying." Annabeth laughs.

"I'm... good." Grover says, his arms shaking under me.

"Ah... ok.... Do you take Annabeth as—"

"I do!" I say loudly.

"And do you take Per—"

"I do!" Annabeth yells.

"I'd say kiss now, but you'd just—"

Annabeth wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me with all the love in the world. I'd say I lost feeling in my toes from the kiss, but that's just from the injuries.

"You are now married!" Athena says quickly, through tears.

The whole deck erupts into cheers, and Annabeth kisses me again. Grover sets me back in my chair and Annabeth starts to push me down the aisle.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"We are doing the second part. If you die I'll kill you." Annabeth says with an evil look.

"Granny why did mommy say she's going to kill daddy?" Hestia asks Athena.

"I... uh... um... Sally?" Athena looks over to her.

"Sorry but I... have a meeting." Mom runs off with Estell.

Annabeth gets me onto the bed, and lays next to me.

"I love you... thank you for waking up." Annabeth says cuddling into me.

"I love you too, and you drool when you sleep." I say and kiss her.

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