Ditching School

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   "What?!" I say and I hold my swollen balls.

"It's Annabeth." Grover repeats.

"Is she hurt?" I ask trying to not puke.

"Her head is bleeding." He says.

"Ok..." I struggle to my feet. "Ok... I can feel my legs now."

"Percy?" Annabeth says holding her head.

I kneel down to meet her. "Yeah, can you walk?" I ask.

"Yeah..." she says, we help her to her feet, and she stumbles.

I hold her up. "Grover, can you carry her?" I ask.

"Dude... look at me, I'm skin and bone!" he snips.

"Well then you have to fight them off." I hold the sword out for him.

"Can I carry her instead?" he asks, and I glare at him. "We are dead..." he takes the sword.

"Upsie doodles." I say lifting Annabeth up in my arms. "Annabeth do you live close by?" I ask.

"No... I take the subway..." she mumbles.

"My house it is then, we get there, and my mom can help Annabeth." I say.

"Yeah... alright." Grover agrees looking at the bloodied sword.

"You got this buddy... now lets get out of here." I say.

Grover opens the front doors to the school, sirens and screams echo off the buildings. Smoke filling the air, helicopters and jets fly overhead.

We get to the street, Grover peeks out of the front gate to the streets.

"Ok, clear." He whispers and pushes the gate open, and I follow him through.

"Ok buddy...lead us to home." I whisper.

"Oh god..." he says. "I'm a lover not a fighter!" he whisper yells.

"Dude stop panicking, you are a lover yes... but now we need fighter Grover, just until we get to my apartment." I say.

"Ok...ok..." he takes a deep breath. "Let's go." He starts down the sidewalk and I follow him.

We get a few blocks down with no incidents, the streets dead quite.

"Ugh...How much further?" Annabeth groans.

"Just a couple more blocks." I reply.

"SHH!" Grover hides behind a crashed car. I take cover right behind him.

A bloodied girl stumbles blocking our path. Her dress drenched in blood, her skin pale. She turns towards us, without seeing us. Her stomach completely torn open, what's left of her guts hanging out. Grover drops the sword form the sight, it clanks and rattles to the ground.

The woman screams loudly, and sprints at us. I pretty much throw Annabeth onto Grover and reach for the sword. She tackles me to the ground before I can get the sword. Her guts falling onto me as I try fighting her off, her teeth chomping down at me, trying to have me for an afternoon snack. BANG! Blood spatters over my face and she collapsed motionless on top of me.

"ARE YOU BIT?" a man yells.

"What?" I try pushing the girl off.


Another person tackles the man.

"Percy get up!" Grover helps get the woman off of me.

He pulls me to my feet, and I look at the guy. He's screaming as 2 people rip his stomach apart. I recognize the man, it is the guy I crashed into this morning. His screams stop but they keep eating him.

"Come on!" Grover whispers.

"Yeah..." I say turning to away from the man, and my foot kicks something hard. "Huh... a gun..." I pick up the pistol.

"Come her Annabeth." I say lifting her across my shoulders like a fireman, and keeping the gun in my hand. "Let's go."

We move slowly, and reach my apartment building just as the night start to fall. I swipe the key across the scanner and the door pops open, Grover holds it open for me. The main hall empty, dead silent. We get to the elevators, and I spam the button, the door opens and nothing in side.

"Phew... I was expecting a jump scare." Grover sighs.

"Me too." I say as we get in the elevator.

The elevator dings and my floor is empty as well.

"Can you text my mom, and tell her we're here." I say to Grover.

"Yeah..." he opens his phone. "Service is out."

Just as he says that the power goes out, it's pitch black in the hall. Grover opens turns on his flash light on his phone. The light shines on a man standing in the middle of the hall with his back to us.

"Freddy?" I say in a hushed tone.

He turns around slowly, half his face gone dripping blood. He screams and sprints at us, I raise my gun, but Grover runs past me and cuts his head off.

"Dude... that was awesome." I say shocked.

"Bro... I did it!" Grover cheers.

"Grover SHH!" I glare at him. "You can cheer... just a little quieter." I say.

"Sorry." He lowers his head.

We make it to my apartment, my shoulders killing me from carrying Annabeth. I turn the nob and the door is unlocked, I push it open slowly revealing a pitch-black room. Grover shines his light into it, lighting the kitchen up a bit.

"Mom?" I say quietly... and no response. 

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