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"Why didn't you say anything?" I look at her.

"I guess the same reason as you, I thought you were to good for me." she says.

"Me? To good for you? Annabeth, I'm like a week from getting kicked out of school, and your on the honor roll. If any one is too good, it's you." I stare up at her.

"Not anymore." She smirks.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"It's pretty much the end of the world, I'm guessing. And we both know how we feel about each other now... so let's be together... at least until we die." She smiles and holds her hand out. "Will you marry me?"

"I think you skipped a few steps." I laugh and I take her hand. "But... I will marry you." She pulls me up off the chair and we kiss. She pulls away, her face flushed red.

"We should get dressed, it's kinda cold." She says softly staring into my eyes.

"Yeah... I think so." I stare back into hers.

"We should hurry up." she says turning around, she takes a few steps and stops. "Percy?"

"Yeah?" I say.

She turns her head around with a smile, and a feint glow of blush from her cheeks. "I love you."

I nearly die on the spot. "I...I love you too." I somehow manage to get out.

She disappears into the girl section of winter clothes, and I find the boys.

"Hey you guys here?" Grover yells into the store we are in.

"Yeah, I'm getting dressed." I yell back at him. I grab a black military style jacket and some black pants and some more clothes to stuff in my bag. Walking out to see Grover standing in the entrance of the store, and Annabeth still not here. "Hey Annabeth, you ok?" I yell into the store to no reply. "Hey, Annabeth!" I yell louder.


My heart pops, I die.

"HA! I got you good." She smiles laughing.

"Yeah...heh... got me good..." I clutch my chest trying to jump my heart back up.

"I think I got Grover a little too good." She points at him. he's just standing there frozen in his spot.

Moans start to get close to us.

"Shhh. I think some freaks are near." I squat down and pull Grover with me.

"Probably from the gun fight." Annabeth says.

"Yeah... it was loud." I say. "Let's get out of here." Grover snaps out of it, and we sneak away from the clothes and restaurant. We get about a block down when we feel safe to stand up again.

"I guess blowing up the bridge was useless." I say.

"How do you mean?" Annabeth asks.

"They only reason the military would do that, is if Manhattan already fell. Meaning little to no survivors, and wanting to stop the spread of the freaks...you blow up the bridge." I say. "But it was to late."

"Your pretty smart Percy." Annabeth says out of nowhere.

"Wha.... I'm pretty much the opposite of smart." I say.

"I mean, you just completely guessed, a military strategy to slow the spread of the freaks... and it makes sense." She says and holds my hand as we walk.

Grover's eyes nearly pop out of his face.

"What's that!" he yells pointing to our clasped hands.

"Just hand holding." Annabeth says.

"But why?" he says.

"Can't an engaged couple hold hands." She smiles.

"Oh yeah I guess your rig.............................. engaged?" he says softly. "Engaged? To be wed? For ever for sickness? To death do you part?"

"Yeah." She says.

"Did I miss a few chapters?" Grover asks.

"What? No... I asked him while we were in the clothes store." She says.

"Ok then, congrats." He says.

"That's it?" Annabeth says. "I thought you would freak more."

"Your both grow, and it was freaking obvious you both were head over heels." He laughs.

"You knew!" Annabeth and I yell in unison.

"Duh! Percy I was next to you when she rocked your shit in kindergarten, and I saw how she non stopped stared at you every chance she got until now.... and she didn't run away when she found your treasure box." He smiles smugly. "A normal girl would have ran through a crowd of freaks if she saw that. In conclusion, you two are the only ones on the planet, who didn't know you loved each other."

A freak screams and tackles Grover out of nowhere, I struggle to get my sword and Annabeth kicks the freak in the head. The freak rolls off of him and we pull Grover up. aa horde of freaks turns the corner screaming and sprinting at us.

"Run!" I yell as I let Annabeth and Grover run past me.

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