Epilogue 2: A Feast at the Leywin Family Estate

Start from the beginning

"Whatever, Arthur. Is Alice inside?" she asks.

"Yeah, she's helping Tess and Cecilia with the rest of the kids. Just head on in. We'll watch the little ones out here," I answer.

My eyes follow Sevren and Jasmine as they're guided by a maid into the house. I can ever so slightly hear my mother's excited words when she notices Jasmine's baby bump.

"I guess we're next," A stern, baritone voice approaches.

A slight chuckle echoes from the woman next to him.

"Yes, Bairon, you're next," I answer, offering a hand in greeting. He takes it firmly and we shake for longer than one may expect yet adequately for someone who's an old war buddy. "And greetings to you too, Seris. Playing the long game are we?"

"I'm not quite ready for children yet, Arthur. The Council has me endlessly busy. I had to take a rain check on a meeting to be here in the first place," she answer.

"Well thank you for skipping out on your obligations to enjoy a nice reunion. You're lucky you're long-lived or else Bairon may have a serious issue with no children yet. Though that cockroach will probably make it to 200 somehow," I jest.

Bairon scoffs and shakes his head. "You're insufferable. Is everyone else inside?"

"Yeah, just go on in," I reply, sending them off. "Next!"

"It's not the DMV, Arthur. Just be normal for once," says the next visitor.

"I don't think you have the grounds to say that to me, Elijah. You're possibly the most obscure person here," I stab.

"Hah, you may be right, but you're bound to be a close second," he jokes with a soft punch to my chest.

"Are you sure? I invited Gideon," I reply.

Elijah turns his head slightly. "Then I guess I'm second and you're third."

We both cackle at the belittling of the greatest artificer on both of the mortal continents. "Regardless, I'm sorry for ignoring you, Emily. It's been too long."

The shy, moss-haired woman struggles to meet my gaze while offering a very weak and gloved hand. I take it and shake it gently while trying to meet her gaze by dipping my head slightly. "Is something the matter?"

"No, nothing's wrong. She's just a little embarrassed," Elijah answers for her. While still holding her hand, he steps toward me and whispers into my ear. "We're expecting. I told her it's not big enough for anyone to notice, but naturally, she's still worried."

"I see. In that case, congratulations, you two. But, Emily," I voice. Her gaze finally meets mine for real this time. "Thank you for coming."

A smile creeps across her face as she uses her free hand to push up her glasses, "And thank you for the invitation, Arthur."

The pair escort themselves off to my home, making way for the next couple.

"Quite the line that's forming, my rival," I hear from behind as I watch Elijah and Emily take the steps up to my front door. My head snaps back to the blonde elf accompanied by another good friend of mine.

"Well, Feyrith, I'm quite the popular man," I reply, stepping toward him and pulling him into a hug. "It's good to see you again. It's been a few years."

"It's always a pleasure, Arthur," he groans as I squeeze him a little too tight. After we break the hug, he fixes his jacket, vest, and tie. "But yes, it's been too long. I haven't seen you since I went through rehab after you brought me back. As of late, I've been assisting the Eraliths with administration. Fortunately, I don't have to take care of the kids. That's her job." Feyrith gestures to the woman at his side.

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