Chapter 6: A Blooming Understanding

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"Try what?" I ask. 

"I've got an idea. Do you trust me?" Grey asks with determination in his eyes. 

Foreign excitement wells up in my heart. 

"Not entirely, Grey, but Tessia seems excited. I know you won't hurt her body, so I'll trust you just this once." I tell him sternly. 

"Ok, Cecil, I'm going to hold you to that. I'm going to explain my plan really quick," he begins to explain. "I'm going to use Aroa's Requiem that can now be used on organic matter to try and reverse the changes done to your brain by Agrona. My target time is the moment you were reincarnated into Tess' body. So, if I've been telling the truth this whole time and Agrona has given you false memories, then your memories at that point will corroborate. Sound acceptable?" Grey finishes. 

"How can I know you won't just put memories in my head like you're accusing Agrona of doing?" I ask. 

"I've already told you the ins and outs of this ability. It uses aether and manipulates the Aevum genus to turn back time on something. That something used to be confined to an inanimate object, but now it can work on organic matter. That's everything there is to it," he affirms. 

I sigh. 

"I've already said I'll trust you. If you care not only about Tessia but about the Cecilia from Earth like you say you do, then I have no right to resist," I tell him with nervousness in my voice. 

"I won't hurt you, Cecil. I'm going to save both of you. I've already said that," he reassures. 

"Okay then. You can get started," I say.

Grey nods and closes his eyes. He places his hand above the top of my head as light begins to shine from his spine. His hand turns counter-clockwise as I get immensely nauseous. I bring my hands to my mouth to stifle the jerky that I've been eating from coming back up. My stomach keeps churning as the memories of recent events begin to fade away.

Where am I?

What's going on?

Who is this in front of me?

Who am I?

I let all of the food in my stomach out all over woman in front of me. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry, ma'am! I'm just really nauseous," I apologize. 

"It's okay, Cecilia. It's my fault anyway," I hear in a deep, melodic voice.

Is that a man?

"H-How do you know my name?" I ask.

"It's me, Cecilia. Grey Willbeck. I'm... so sorry," the w-man says as tears begin to well up in his eyes.

"G-Grey? But how? What's happening? Why do you look like that? I thought I was dead?!" I ramble. 

"I know, Cecil. I know. You've been reincarnated into a different world. This isn't Earth," he explains.

"What do you mean I've been reincarnated? How would that even work? This is insanity!" I shout. 

"Please calm down, Cecilia. I'll explain everything, but before I do... can you tell me how you died?" he asks, with a pleading gaze full of tears. 

I search through my final memories of Earth. "I was at the King's Crown Tournament. I was in the final battle after I had been trained forcibly by Trayden for years. I was facing... you. In an effort to keep Nico from getting himself killed by trying to get me away from them, I chose to fall on your sword. I died right there in your arms, didn't I?" I say, recounting my final moments.

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