Chapter 28: Three Weeks

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Meeting with Lord Thyestes...

If you told me just five years ago that I'd be meeting with one of three men my husband sees as a legitimate threat at my humble cabin in the woods, I'd find it laughable. I try my hardest to stay true to Kezess, but he keeps making tyrannical moves that put the rest of the asuras or even the lessers on edge. Ever since he ordered the Djinn to be slaughtered and had us Indraths cover everything up, I've never seen him the same. I sit at his side, but I don't recognize him as the man I married all that time ago.

I feel like a traitor for even speaking privately with someone as important as Lord Thyestes without the presence of Kezess, though I know this is for the best. I know he has something he wants me and only me to know. I'm sure this is something directly against Kezess that he wants my help with. Perhaps he was able to see through the veil I put up in front of everyone as I sit at my husband's side.

Thump, Thump, Thump.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by a knock at my cabin door. I suppose the time is now. I walk over to the door and turn the knob. Behind the door is none other than Lord Thyestes.

"Greetings, Lady Myre. I'm grateful you accepted my request to meet. I have a few things to discuss with you," he says with a bow.

"No need for all of that formality. Just call me Myre and stop bowing. Come inside," I reply while stepping aside for him to enter.

"Understood then, Myre. In that case, call me Khashmir. No need for the 'Lord' formality," he answers.

I've rarely even used his real name. Only when we were both children did I even get the chance to use it. It was during the turbulent warring times between the races and clans that we met by circumstance. Our families hid us young away to ensure that someone would be there to survive.

"Very well. Take a seat. I've got tea brewing now, so let me pour us a cup to talk over," I propose while making my way over to the kettle. I bring it to the small table where a set of porcelain teacups are set out for two.

"Tea sounds delightful. I wonder if it's your famous teak bark tea," Khashmir chortles.

"As a matter of fact, it is," I reply while pouring my trademark tea into each cup.

I take a seat across from Lord Thyestes and take a sip of my cup first per Asuran tradition. Our tradition has the server take the first sip as a sign of proving the tea is not poisoned and that there is no foul play.

Khashmir follows suit and takes a sip. His face mellows out and shows his pleasure at my creation.

"World famous for a reason, Myre. I'm always impressed. Now where should I start?" he begins. "I'll just get to the point. The Thyestes clan knows. We know."

My eyes narrow at his words. It couldn't be... How did someone find out? No Indrath clan member would dare let something like this leak.

"And what is it that you know?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"Don't pretend to be ignorant. We know what happened. We know you lied to us all," he answers.

How? Who could have let this out?

"Then what is it that you want from me?" I ask again.

"I want your assistance because I'm planning to let everyone know. This is all courtesy of your favorite student: the human boy, Sylvia's champion. He'll topple everything you stand for unless you aid us. Do you understand?" he answers.

My brow begins to sweat. He does know. He truly knows. It wasn't even an Indrath that told them; it was Arthur.

"I do, but what do you want from me?" I answer.

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