Chapter 46: What Could Have Been

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I'm exhausted.

For hours, I've been fending off dozens, hundreds of asuras. The various loyal races of Epheotus began to be overpowered by the united front of Alacrya and the rebels, but it seems that Agrona acted in character. The Alacryans have betrayed us. Fortunately, we had a contingency plan. Seris is here somewhere and she has around a quarter of the total forces brought to Alacrya under her direct order, loyal to her and only her.

Arthur is fighting among the thousands of combatants with Kezess and Agrona. They've been going at it for a few minutes before their mana signatures rapidly flee the battlefield. I glance over to try and find where they're going, but they're moving so fast that I can only tell they're going in the general direction of where Indrath Castle is supposed to be.

"Don't!" I hear a voice ring out through the clamor. It's Aldir. "Arthur will be fine. We need you here or else there won't be asura to see the end of the rebellion."

Shit. I need to take care of things here quickly so I can try and help Arthur.

It's time to pull out all of the stops.

Gazing out at the huge concentration of mana entering the atmosphere as it leaks from the cores of dying asura, I bend it to my will.

Mold, bend, obey. I sort each mana particle in the air by its element. With the wind mana, I begin to rapidly increase the density of oxygen in the air as I disperse the water mana into the air to form a dense fog, obstructing most of the remaining bits of sunlight. With the earth mana, I raise the gravity in the area by over 150 times while creating earthen shackles at the ankles of my enemies. Lastly, with the fire mana, I reuse a trick I once tried on Arthur. I ignite the fire mana with a subtle spark that relentlessly burns through the heightened oxygen, creating a firestorm of blazing heat that threatens to melt even asuran weapons being wielded.

Aldir spectates as he convenes with Kordri. They've been instrumental thus far, having killed off two of Agrona's sovereigns as well as the new Vices, Aerind, and Mapellia clan heads. Only the new Lord Grandus, Wren's Uncle, and Aldir, the new Lord Thyestes remain alive to lead their clans. Lord Avignis and Lord Eccleiah perished in the battle against Lord Indrath at Indrath Council. Ever since this war has been raging nonstop. It's sure to only last a few more days until one side surrenders or there's no world left to rule over.

From among the carnage, nearly half of the asura from within my blast are still standing. Some 40% of those caught in the blast lay in shreds. Asura after asura continue to perish as I struggle to keep command of the battlefield. There are way too many asuras to try and leech mana from their cores. It's a strenuous talk on even one asura. The most I can possibly handle is around 25 but before me on this battlefield is upwards of 2500.

It's during all this havoc that I'm once again reminded of why I'm trying so hard.

Damn it. I need to get to Arthur.

"Aldir! Withdraw your troops from the west. The sun is about to look dim in comparison!" I demand as I begin to pull out my trump card. Humans from Alacrya, asura of Epheotus, and everything in between. All of them are to be sacrificed for the beginning of a new age and a new world.

Kordri bolts to my side, fending off Dragons who can see the work I'm doing with the ambient mana. "Continue as you are. I'll hold them off."

With Kordri's protection, I guide the fire, earth, and wind mana to a single point, amassing into a densely packed sphere. I refuse to stop until the Phoenixes, Sylphs, and Titans begin to struggle to pull enough ambient mana from the air to cast their spells.

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