Chapter 30: Now We're Even

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"Time to get up, Cecilia. You and I have shit to do," I grumble as I roll away from her.

"Five more minutes. You go and do your stuff first," she groans while rolling over.

"You know I can just throw you out of that bed, right?" I tease.

"I can just fly back to it, so it's no real issue. You wouldn't hurt Tessia's body would you?" she shoots back.

"You sneaky little... Fine then. Sleep. But don't forget to do your whole birthday present thing for my mother before we leave for the overworld," I finish as I leave our room.

"Mhmm," is all I hear before the door clicks shut.

The house is filled with the smell of freshly made breakfast. It seems Mom wants to send us off with full bellies. It's probably for the best that she doesn't know what she's sending us off to.

"Morning, Arthur. Sleep well?" my mother asks as she beings separating the food into four plates.

"Not really, but I don't exactly need to sleep," I answer while pulling out a chair to take a seat at the dining table.

"Lucky you, Mr. Half-Asura," she replies while sliding a plate in front of me. "Ellie! Cecilia! Breakfast is done!"

My mother takes a seat directly across from me and begins to eat.

"It's good to see you enjoying the simplicities of life despite the state of the world. I'll make sure you can cook breakfast like this back in Xyrus or Ashber soon," I comment while stabbing the eggs with my fork.

"Just don't overwork yourself, Arthur. I'm content if I live out the rest of my life in here," my mother says through a mouthful of food.

"Manners, Mom," I say, pointing my fork at her. "You may be fine with that, but I'm not letting you die here."

"I'm glad you think that way, Arthur," she says, properly this time.

A door opens and a few footsteps enter the room. I turn to see Ellie rubbing her tired eyes.

"Good morning, Mom, Arthur," she mumbles.

"Grab a plate on the stove, El, and come sit," Mom orders.

Ellie does as she's told and takes a seat to my left. She begins to eat slowly without saying another word.

"Is Cecilia not getting up?" my mother asks.

"She was supposed to. She got her first true taste of alcohol last night. We never had time for it on Earth, and well, she really hasn't had the time for it since I wiped her memory. She's just hungover," I explain.

"Poor baby. I've got a few hangover cure recipes. I'll make one of those instead of what we ate. I'm sure some toast and tea will help her brain and stomach settle. You go get her while I make it," she orders.

"Aye, General Leywin," I tease with a salute.

"You're the real General Leywin, now go wake Cecilia up," she replies.

I finish my salute and march back to my and Cecilia's room.

As I creak the door open I find her passed out on her side, drooling.

Should I be mean?

'She'll be pissed if you do. So I say do it,' Regis comments.

Then, in that case, I'll pass. I'd rather not catch ice blades in my back or have my eardrums burst from 70,000 Hz frequencies.

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