Chapter 27: Blueprints

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It's only been a day since my son came home broken. I imagine this is how he looked after Reynolds died. He approached my front door holding the corpse of a woman not much older than me. She was brought here just to be a sacrifice to hurt Arthur. I can't believe someone would do something like that. I refuse to believe that Elijah, the boy we helped nurture for so long, would do that to Arthur. How could someone be so cold that they would force their friend to kill their own mother?

I really should go speak to him. I want to know his motives. Apparently, Elijah was actually some boy from Arthur's past life, but why would he come here with such hate? Why would he target my son with such anger that spans multiple lifetimes? I need to know.

I want to go, but I know I shouldn't go alone. Maybe I'll ask Arthur to escort me there, and he can provide some protection. I'm sure he has something to say to the boy too. I can't imagine he's gone through all of this just to let the boy rot in a prison cell. I'll have to ask him.

It's still early morning, so I'd expect Arthur to be either still sleeping or training outside. The boy can teleport, so he's hard to pin down. I'll have to go check his room first. Well, his and Cecilia's room. I didn't really expect them to get along as well as they have, but I'm okay with it now. I'm glad that Cecilia embraces Tessia's personality as much as she does. I can tell how much it calms Arthur down that she does.

I place a few firm knocks on the door and proceed to hear nothing but slight rustling inside.

I hope I'm not going to walk in on something. I'll just have to ask for forgiveness instead of permission it seems.

I take hold of the doorknob and twist it open. The door creaks ever-so-slightly, likely alerting the two of them if they're awake. I must not be walking in on anything because I'd have already been told off if I was.

When I finally get the door open, I see Arthur still asleep. However, he's asleep while being the little spoon. I put two beds in here for a reason, but I have an inkling this wasn't his idea.

I walk over to Arthur's side of the bed and kneel down at the edge of the bed.

"Psst. Arthur. Hey Arthur, can you wake up?" I whisper, trying my best not to wake up Cecilia.

His eyes don't open immediately, but I do notice a small little purple puppy walking out from under the bed.

"I'll wake him up. Mrs. Leywin. is there anything specific you want me to tell him?" Regis asks.

"I want him to take me to the jail so I can speak with Elijah... or Nico? I want to speak with that boy. I assume Arthur wants to as well, but I want first dibs," I answer. Regis nods, jumps on the bed, and phases into Arthur.

I wait a moment for Regis to do whatever it is he does before Arthur's eyes begin to flutter in his sleep. They gently open as his gaze narrows on my form.

"Good morning, honey. Did Regis already speak with you?" I ask.

"Yeah, Mom. He told me. Is it already morning?" he asks.

"It's a little after dawn. The 'sun' only just came out," I answer. "Would you like to go now, or are you having fun being the little spoon?"

Arthur's eyes widen slightly at my remark. He notices the arm draped over his shoulder and the warmth against his back. His gaze shifts to annoyance. "I told her that we have two separate beds for a reason."

Arthur's annoyed expression only lasts a small while before he vanishes from sight and appears on the bed across the room.

"Alright. Let's get going. I'll leave Regis here to tell her where we went," he says while crawling off of the bed.

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