Chapter 17: Plans In Motion

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How far it feels the mighty have fallen. From the pinnacle of power to the lowliest of scum residing upon this earth. My liege abuses his power daily, waiting for the right moment to strike against his fellow megalomaniac. Today, like most days recently, I regret serving under the lord of all asuras.

It's today. Today I become something I once despised: a traitor. Along with a few of my brethren, I've decided to go to defect. I'm going to Alacrya. We'll be hunted like dogs by the Indrath clan. My old friend, Windsom, will stare at me as if I'm not worthy of licking the mud from his boots should we ever meet again.

I pity Dicathen. They had many things going for them- Culture, kindness, mages with immense potential and versatility, and that boy Arthur. In the end, it wasn't enough. They never truly stood a chance against Agrona and his legion of half-breed mages. It's a shame I bothered following through with my orders. I used the technique passed down for millennia to pulverize the continent we were supposed to leave alone. That action alone makes me feel more like a traitor than what I plan to do.

"Are your plans in motion, brother?" I hear from my back. "We should leave before dusk."

"I have. Dusk sounds appropriate. We should gather the others. Notify the clan leader," I tell him.

"Will do. I hope we're making the right decision, Aldir. I know you wouldn't lead me astray on purpose," he says before turning to notify the clan head.

"And Kordri," I call out.

"Yes, brother?" he asks.

"Be safe. We tread in dangerous waters. I refuse to lose my heritage and my brother at the same time," I answer.

"Understood. I'll be with you always," he replies before finally leaving to make his way to the Thyestes clan mansion.

Always, huh? I'd like that.

Unfortunately, that is nowhere close to guaranteed. It's incredibly possible that that was the last time I'll ever speak to my brother.

Should there be a higher power than just the asuras, I hope they'll permit me to see this all through. I hope they'll allow me to see the end of the war between the continents, the war between the asuras. Unfortunately, this whole conflict is bigger than me. It's bigger than just Kezess and Agrona. The decisions they make- that I make- affect the races of Dicathen and Alacrya.

Where do we even start? Do we start from the ground? From the grass up? Or do you start at the canopy? Do you trim the tallest branches to control the height in which the tree can reach? What's that fable? The man who got too close to the sun? Perhaps that's our two main players here.

Only time will tell. For now, I need to continue my preparations. One more pitiful afternoon of being a striker under the most conceited player. Even more so than his opponent. It's time for a three-sided game of Sovereign's quarrel.


Another groggy morning in this damp, shitty cell. Only one good thing about today: it's the last groggy morning in this damp, shitty cell. Today I work toward my final goal. Putting that traitorous bastard in the ground. He'll feel the pain he dealt me. He'll feel the pain he dealt her.

A familiar clacking of footsteps rings out through the stone corridor. Appearing in front of my cell door, a pair of red eyes gleam in the minute light of the dungeon.

"Right where I left you. Let's take a quick walk. Damien, open his cell," my captor commands. The jangling of keys before slotting into the keyhole and turning with a click gives me the slightest resemblance of a smile. It's been months now.

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