"Shit..." I mutter, focusing on something behind Jackson, clenching my fists. "Not again! Fucking hell!"

"What?" Jackson asks confused, turning his head to look at what's behind him.

Before he can realize that I've tricked him, I take the ball from him.

"If that's how you want to play...!" Jackson shouts after me as I charge towards the goal. Instead of letting him catch up to me, I kick the leather ball into the goal once more.

Jackson and I chase each other across the field for a good thirty minutes before he drops to the ground, panting and laughing. My whole body is throbbing with adrenaline as I throw my head back, taking a deep breath in through my nose. I'm dripping wet from sweat and my skin feels like its on fire. Occasionally a fresh breeze sends shivers down my spine.

Jackson pushes himself off the ground.

"So are you okay then?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "That shit earlier was not fun to watch."

"I'm fine." I say shortly, trying not to go to that place.

"Sure you are... but if there's one piece of advice I can give it's that you shouldn't sweat it. I know that sounds a bit pompous but for real, there are so many girls on campus; don't worry about this one. It didn't work out... So what?! Whose high-school romance ever works out anyway?" Jackson muses but I'm only half listening.

"I'm going to go take a shower." I say, completely ignoring his 'advice' and walking off.

"Hey! Wait!" Once again Jackson runs up behind me, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Can you just for once second forget your fucking anger against me and listen to what I have to say?"

"What is it then?" I question, raising an eyebrow sceptically.

"Well..." He smirks. "In my humble opinion the best way to get over one girl is to find another. A

'rebound' as they say."

"What's your point exactly?" I ask impatiently.

"There's this party..."

An hour later Jackson has somehow managed to convince me to meet him at one of the dorm buildings. Admittedly drowning myself in loud music and alcohol does sound like just the right kind of medicine. Freshly showered and dressed in my soccer jersey and a pair of dark jeans (the only clean clothes left in the 'clean clothes'-pile), I meet Jackson outside the dorm building. It is quite late now but the party seems to be in full go.

"Damn! You're actually here!" Jackson shouts, one arm wrapped tightly around the waist of a girl I have never seen before. "Hey babe, go be an angel and get my friend here a beer, will you?"

"That's alright!" I say putting my hand up. "I'll go get it myself. You two don't worry about me."

Living for the fat girl [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now