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1 year ago

They said they'd still be friends. That they still cared for each other. That was a lie.

They'd been avoiding each other. Jessica complained that they are tearing the group apart. Chan was gone whenever Renée was around. Renée gone whenever Chan was around.

"Hey I'm here." Renée burst through the door. "I brought alcohol."

"Ray. It's past 12. The party is long over." Jessica's voice was tense.

"Oh. Is it? Sorry I got caught in something. My mom was asking me about–"

"Ray stop it right now. What's going on?"

"I told you. My mom wanted me–"

"Between you and Chan. You guys are clearly avoiding each other."

"What are you talking about? I know I'm not avoiding him. I don't know about him."

"Come on, be straight with me."

Renée wanted to object but decided against it. There was no lying or manipulating your away around Jessica. "Honestly. I... don't know. I'm just so ashamed to face him."

"Why would you be?"

"I feel like I don't know him anymore."

"That's ridiculous. He's still the same person, whether you're together or not."

"He's the same. But he's avoiding me now. So I don't know what to make of that. I'm the problem, I suppose."

"How can you say that? Not much can change between you two except for the fact that you aren't together. You're still Ray and he's still Chan. You've always been there for each other, what changed?"

"Me. I've changed." She doesn't know why she said it but ever since she went to Barcelona, she knows she's not the same person. "I'm nothing but trouble for him. I make his life difficult. Ever since I came back, he's not even been allowed to hang out with you guys freely. I'm to blame for that."

Jessica watched her. Her eyes flickering over Renée's expression.

"Do you care for him?"


"Then he'll always care for you. Even now. Even tomorrow. It doesn't have to be more complicated than what it is. I know there's a capacity for you two to continue your friendship, given your history and the mutual and mature decision of separating. I feel like there's something you're not telling me."

Remée shook her head. "I think... I think it's difficult for me to let it out."

"So you admit it, you do have something to say? A problem?"

"Every thing I needed to tell you were spur of the moment things. The little things. The things that has long gone and passed."

"Like what? Tell me."

Renée sighed and looked at the table full of leftover snacks. "I'm so hungry."

Jessica dragged a plate of chips towards her. Renée thinks that she didn't quite understood what she meant by that confession. She can't even blame him.




Renée eased into a familiar routine after the holidays. She went back to college. Moved into a tiny student dorm, surprisingly more roomy than her accomodation in Barcelona so she really couldn't complain.

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