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TW: metions of eating disorders, cotton ball method.

Hyunjin; Renée found; is established. Not in his own right. But he does the most of what has been handed to him.

She could tell from the conversations they had throughout the day. Learning that Hyunjin had always been a bit privileged throughout his life, which Hyunjin acknowledges with a humility she can applaud.

He's financially stable and knowledgable in his on own sphere, mostly about the arts.

He took her to a musuem and explained the artworks in great detail. Their significance and their impact on Spanish culture. Seeing them in a way she had yet to discover. She was still trying to figure out the country and the people in it. They walked around, figuring the place out together.

While Hyunjin was better with the art speak ,Renée was better at directions. They walked and suffered through Spanish language as they asked for directions. They laughed at each other. She thought they were walking aimlessly through the city till he abruptly stopped in front of an apartment.

"This is my apartment. Do you want to check it out?"


They walked in. Renée was mostly glad that they were out of the sun now. But she remembered what she said that day they met. She did promise to follow him home.

"Your apartment is nice. I don't know if it's yours."

"It's just for the time being."

"Accommodation is covered by your agency?"

"No. Not on this job. Having a roommate helps a lot on the rent."

"Are they here, now?"

"Are you worried about the noise?"

"What noise?" Renée tried to fill the silence. It was so heavy, heavy with Hyunjin's want.

Hyunjin kissed her. Renée gasped into it before she pulled away.

"Was that okay?"

Renée gave a small nod before kissing him once more. Her mouth was slow, experimenting with the unfamiliar feeling. Hyunjin responded well with her body, moving at her pace.

Until he began picking up the pace. She knew exactly where this was headed. What he wanted from her. She wanted it too, from him in particular.

His hands breezed through her waist, holding her, pulling her close. His hands were large she noticed again. Much larger than she was used to. His scent was sweet, like cherries or flowers... Like sugary juice on a December summer's day. Very different from the Vanilla scent she was used too.

It felt good but... At the same time... So wrong. The sensations weren't matching the way the supposed to in her head. It was in the small insignificant things— his scent, the texture of his skin, the way he moved against her... It was so unfamiliar. She processed him like a sensory issue.

But it wasn't supposed to feel familiar. She just met him. Her mind wanted to know him, know how his body felt but her body was rejecting him like a foreign organ.

His hand slid up under her shirt, his fingers grazed up her torso, it gave her goosebumps. His lips still on hers. His lips were delicious. She was hungry, so hungry, yet she pulled him away.

Gently, they looked at each other for a few seconds, pants filling the tense silence.

"Is everything okay?" His voice was already hoarse.

"Yes... No. I mean, I want this, I really do... I just..."

"You're uncomfortable."

"No. I just can't get him out of my head."

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