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Bangchan's POV

November 21
2 years ago

I sat at the porch as she looked at me with a peculiar expression. One I hadn't seen on her face before. One that will be forever engraved in my mind as the expression that caused my world to crumble. One that was the catalyst and ending of it all.

She walked slowly towards me in her silky lavender bridesmaid dress. The simplistic material was one she wasn't her usual style, she complained about how basic it made her look all week, but I believe it suited her. She looked perfect.

She sat next to me, and bit her bottom lip. A nervous habit.

Morbidity lingered just above our heads. I looked at her, and she looked at me. A sigh escaped her glossed lips. "Dior called earlier, I got the internship, Chris.”

“lt's what you've always wanted.” I looked at her and gave her a small smile. “I'm proud of you.”

“Thank you.” A worried expression shadowed over her face. She joined me on the oil painted bench. The sight of her with illuminated stained-glass skyscrapers looming behind her was breathtaking. “But you… you know that accepting the internship means that I'm leaving to–”

“Barcelona? Yes, I know, we've talked about it a thousand times now.” I said lightheartedly, and she looked up at me. Then looked straight into the masses of people celebrating inside the wedding reception.

“So where does this leave us?” She asked, her voice low.

“Can't we just continue as we are? We could try, I know we'll be millions of miles apart and living in polar opposite time zones, but if we try hard enough, and talk to each other daily…well…" I began losing faith in myself the more I talked.

“We could try that.” She said, her gaze away from me, and she nervously held her arm. Another nervous habit. “But, what about our future?”

“Our future?” I looked at her. She still didn't bring herself to face me.

“What I mean, as hard as it is to say, is that… well… where are we headed with our relationship? It's a topic that we've always swept under the carpet, but now it's starting to show that we need to speak about it.”

She told me the cold, hard truth, and the truth hurt me. She looked so fragile, I wanted to hold her in my arms until her problems disappeared. But that wouldn't work this time, this time we had to face the problem head on.

“I was never ready for a commitment.” She continued. “We want totally different things. I want to travel the world and expand on my modelling career. And you want…"

“…to eventually find a cozy home in a cozy town and settle down with a family.”

“l want to have zero distractions, and I'm not too sure about marriage. And you want…"

“To have a family, kids running around the backyard, and a wife at my side.” I said and realized that at this rate a future together seemed impossible, and to pretend there was a chance was like a facade.

We were just too different.

“Do you see what I mean?” Renée asked.

“Unfortunately, yes. I see.” I sulked. “I want to experience all these with you, I want to be with you always, no matter the circumstance, and I know I cannot force you into that. I'll end up making you unhappy. And I desire more than anything for you to be happy.”

Renée looked up at me and drew in for a hug. She proceeded to hold unto me like her life depended on it. “But you make me so happy.” I sensed her sob tearlessly.

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