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Present day

"Woah. Ray, easy on the alcohol." I watched her down a daring shot of tequila. Her face shriveled in what seemed like disgust and her nose scrunched up in the cutest fashion.

"Oh my God Chan, take this bottle away from me." She begged as her head dropped unto the table.

"So do you believe me now?"

She groaned dramatically. "Fine, I'm a light weight. There, I said it." She let out a granite complaint on the wooden tabletop.

"Finally. But judging from your state, I bet you'll forget this confession by tommorow."

"Hey. I'm not even yet drunk."


"Well, not much. Argh gosh, what time is it? The bar is empty."

"It's th- Three am?!" I gasped at how late it was.

"What?" She raised her head. "Damn, good thing it's the weekend. We should probably get going then." She stood up and wobbled a bit. I held her up almost immediately to keep her balance.

"I'm fine." She assured. "Let's go home."

"Let me order an uber then?"

"Nah, I'm not that drunk. Let's take a walk. This is my chance to walk out at 3 am and actually be safe."

"Taking a trip through the night like rogue cats? I like that." were the words I uttered as we exited the bar which seemed to have waited for us to finish up till they could finally close.

As we walked through the night, I couldn't help but be super aware of her and her walking patterns. She was slightly uncoordinated which was unusual coming from her, who recieved numerous balance, posture and modelling classes. But I knew she'd get defensive if I called her out on being drunk.

"You wanna explain to me why you drank so much today?" I asked instead.

"I'm an adult, can't I do that now?" She rolled her eyes.

"Of course you can. It's just that you rarely ever glutton with alcohol."

"I took 3 shots of tequila."

"That's two times more than usual."

She rubbed her head. "I... I just needed motivation. And it's a Friday so I knew I could get away with it."

"I guess you could do that, though it's unlike you. And it's technically Saturday right now-"

A thunder boomed in the night sky with a dramatic flash. We stopped in our tracks and looked up in for a few anticipating seconds. But nothing gave.

"Oh phew." I muttered. "I thought it was going to rain."

Not even a few moments later, rain began to drizzle on us. Though feint, it threatened to increase.

"Great." I said sarcastically.

"Great!" Renée said as she looked up the sky and her arms outstretched to feel the drizzle of the rain.

"Ah yes, you love the rain." I shook my head in playful contempt as I watched her bask and play in the rain.

She drew me in so I could be drenched in a cold wet ecstasy with her. I complied to her will, it's not like I had any other choice. She gathered water in her hands and waged a cold wet attack by throwing some on me. Then she offered me a dance as a peace treaty.

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