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That display of last night had me rolling in my sheets for days afterwards.

Isaac wasn't bad. Not in the slightest bit. In fact, we shared a lot of things in common, and just like me, he was a boring fuck. I guess Ray has a type and she sure knows how to pick em.

I wanted so badly to take her hand and tell her as it was. I was too scared. Not for the consequences I'd face but for the ones I'd put on her. Confusing her when she already knows what she wants.

She seemed so excited about him. She constantly looked at me, as if she was trying to gouge my reaction for approval.

I blame my growing feelings from that rainy day. Her tears, she was so beautiful when when she cried. Her curls framed for soft face and puppy eyes begged- for me to marry her out of all things. She's so unbelievably adorable.

She really wanted that and I was under her spell, I almost couldn't refuse. I needed her out of my head. Immediately.

I just wondered why she begged me to take her back, just over a week ago. Was she not still in a relationship with Isaac then? From what it seemed, they'd known each other for a while.

With the knowledge that she'd moved on from me for a long while now, I had my mind made up. I was going to give Alessia a chance. See what she has to offer, if not her then who? Ray absolutely adored Alessia.

I could see why from the time I spent with her for an early dinner. She was incredibly smart, knowledgeable about the weirdest things which made her elegantly quirky. Renée would enjoy these idle facts that add up to nothing in the great scheme of things.

Alessia was responsible and independent as well and she didn't need to say it out loud for anyone to see it. Renée loves responsibility, mainly because it took pressure off her shoulders of being the more capable one.

I see why Renée was gleeful about me being with Alessia.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked.

"I'm not sure. Could I just walk you home, I'm not up for anything hectic, I have work tommorow."

"Oh yeah. And your department is talking a lot of load this time around huh?"

"You can only imagine. It's campaign season afterall. Are you up to anything new?"

"No, just the status quo. I'm not going to put in extra work just to show that I deserve to be recognized."

"What about you? What have you been up to?"

"Just the usual. I'm still on the few projects I was given." I said casually.

"I mean outside of work."

"You know I don't do much outside of work besides work. I gym, and occasionally hang out with friends if that's what you're asking."

"Workaholic huh? It seems we both can't get enough of work." She let a out small laugh.

"I try not to but I can't help it."

"Same. I work so much too. I think my life has just been a warp between work and study. I think that's why I'm glad for this time. I rarely get time like this and I really had fun."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. I got anxious not knowing if I was giving you a great time."

"You always do Chris. Of course."

"Hey... I don't know. I was thinking of this for a while but I... I was wondering if you would join me on a date. Like an actual date not just dinner."

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