Chapter 24: The Conqueror

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Jebuthar smiled. "You can either let it happen or experience the suffering which comes from resistance."

Omrai shook his head and mustered every ounce of authority he had. " Here is the arrangement. You depart my lands and free my cities and tell the Sendevalian army," Omrai nodded toward Princess Densal Valen, "to go home."

Densal Valen approached and shook her head, "You have land and cities to spare, the island of Sendeval does not."

Omrai glowered at her. "I am not treating with you, whelp of a traitorous king."

The princess glared at Omrai and said, "You would be wise to not treat me like a child."

"And you would be wise to stop acting like one," Jebuthar said, sharply, "and to shut your mouth when grown men are talking."

The princess jutted her chin and opened her mouth, but Jebuthar raised a signifying hand.

"You will be silent." Jebuthar said, his gaze a warning.

The princess closed her mouth but kept a scowl.

Jebuthar turned to Omrai, "You will yield your lands to me. You and your brother will be imprisoned, and I will appoint new rulers in your place."

"Nothing you just said is going to happen," Omrai said flatly, his voice a growl.

Jebuthar sighed. "I'd hoped to convince you, but a man who conquered his own nation will not willingly let it go, not for any amount of wisdom. Fine, take this deal for now. Your army will not attempt to retake the land I've taken, then, after some preparation, I will renew my assault. You will have until then to reconsider ."

He turned to the Sendevalians, "I believe Peacemaker Hedansil informed you of what happens to those who resist?"

Omrai noticed Hedansil standing in the back. He flinched at the mention of his name. The Sendevalians, apart from Densal Valen, still bore frowns or frozen looks of apathy. Somehow, Jebuthar had beaten the defiance out of Sendeval. He didn't think it was possible. Centuries of conflict then decades of defeat at Omrai's hands hadn't done it. What could Jebuthar have done?

"I am not without mercy," Jebuthar said. "If at any point you surrender, I will cease slaughtering your armies. I will not exact retribution for one man's pride."

Omrai clenched his teeth and fists. He was a breath away from striking the man. But it still disturbed Omrai that he couldn't read him .

"Why don't I attack now?" Omrai said, "Your language communicates weakness. Sounds like you're not prepared. I should destroy you now. Take back my cities. Crush your army into dust."

Jebuthar laughed. This was louder and heartier than before. Omrai was taken aback.

Jebuthar took a steadying breath and shook his head. "Your boldness is admirable; the problem is you assume I'm playing the game by your rules. You think I will bargain, and fight, and negotiate according to your-" He signaled to Omrai and the Sendevalians. "-traditions. No, Omrai, I walk a new path. One you've never seen. What have you heard from your spies?"

Omrai blinked.

"Apart from the soldiers killed in my initial attacks, have you heard much else?"

Omrai spoke slowly, "They were surprised by your machines and sorcery."

"But have you heard of how I've treated those who remain in the cities I occupy?"

Omrai had to shake his head. Omrai assumed it wasn't good.

Jebuthar looked east. "I don't participate in the murder of innocents. I slaughtered a regiment of Sendevalian soldiers when I discovered they were raping the women in a city. I killed them myself . Publicly. Slowly, much like the pain they caused. Their screams echo in the minds of the Sendevalian soldiers. Far louder than the screams of those they abused."

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