• you nervous - N •

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We chuckled as lo'ak and tsireya spoke about tulkun, and lo'ak began talking about how everyone saw him as a freak. I looked over at neteyams fingers as he caught me looking he smiled and looked back into the bushes.

"I see you." tsireya spoke holding lo'ak's hands his pupils dilated as he smiled awkwardly as I looked at neteyam as we began to start laughing till he pushed me through the bush as he burtsed out into laughter.

"Y/n?!" lo'ak yelled as I pointed to the bush as I quickly stood up as neteyam walked out of the bush laughing his ass off as I looked down trying not to laugh.

My cheeks puffed up as I looked down and let out a loud laugh as neteyam quickly covered my mouth as they both gave us 'you ruined the moment' look as I hit neteyams hand off my mouth.

"You know I kind of shipped it when I saw you look at re-" neteyam covered my mouth again and swooped me into his hands as I looked up into his eyes he looked at me.

With his look. This look made me feel weak and numb, "you good?" his deep voice chuckled as I stared into his eyes till I realised I was staring I quickly looked away and sighed.

"Y/n? Did I say something or do something?" neteyam asked as he placed me down, I looked up into his eyes, his eyes weren't what made me numb and weak. It was him.

It had been him ever since they came here three months ago. I shook my head as he lifted my chin up with his hand I instantly blushed as he chuckled.

"It's me isn't it?" he laughed as I shook my head as I blushed like crazy, he pulled me into his chest and I hid my head on his chest as he laughed.

He placed his hand on my back as he wrapped his hands around my waist as he hugged me tightly but slightly bending over since I was much much shorter than him.

"Are you nervous around me?" he chuckled. he pulled away and cupped my face as I smiled till he leaned in I went to lean in until he pulled away.

I went numb, numb of pain. "I- I'm joking du-" I instantly smashed my lips onto his as I attacked his lips until I got shoved off of him.

"HA!" lo'ak yelled as I looked at lo'ak with anger in my eyes.

"I'm going to make you swallow your tail you little shit!" I yelled as I ran after him as he screamed like the little girl he was as neteyam watched in awe.


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