Chapter 32: "Wicked Game"

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Being separated from each other was getting to them more and more, and on top of it, Tom had to inform Jules that it would take even a bit longer until they'd be reunited again. Of course, Jules wasn't amused at all about it, because the bed felt empty without him next to her. "How can you become this attached to someone within such a short amount of time?" she wondered out loud.
"Julesy, you're in a serious relationship again for the first time in a bit over ten years, your man is everything to you. That's how."
"I feel blergh without him. Incomplete", Jules pouted. "I want him back!"
"Oy vey." Nora got up and sat down next to her sad friend, put an arm around her and tried to cheer her up again. "How long?"
"Still some five days. Fuck's sake, I didn't think it'd hurt that much ..." She hung her head.
"But that's good news also – the larger chunk of his absence is in the books, and you'll have Tom back soon."
"It's. Still. Too. Long." Jules mewled.
And although Nora felt sorry for her friend, she also was a bit amused about Jules acting like a petulant child. Granted, Nora hadn't been in a relationship in a while as well, but she understood how Jules felt. Watching her best friend moping about was too adorable, in a way. She knew how madly Jules had fallen in love with Tom, and that the relationship the two of them were in was something extremely special. Of course, Jules was hurting with the pain of missing her better half.

Not much later, Tom rang Jules.
"It's about high fucking time that your ass gets back here", Jules said.
"Soon, babe. I miss you."
"Same. I'll tie you to our bed when you're back, so you can't leave me again!"
Nora started chuckling in the background.
"I'm definitely taking you with me next time, that's for sure."
"Good, because this shit ain't it, Tom."
"Oh, tell me about it! We've definitely had better ideas", he replied.
"Most definitely", Jules said with a pout.
"Don't pout, love. Think about all the things we will be doing when I am back."
Nora couldn't help herself anymore: "You mean when she's tied you to the bed and has her way with you?"
"NORA! For fuck's sake!" Jules said, blushed and lost it completely.
"I didn't say anything about, you know, fucking ..." Nora cackled.
"Oh my God!" Tom hollered.
"Welcome to today's episode of 'Astronomically Silly Idiots In Love' brought to you by the Faithful Side Kick! I mean ..." Jules almost wept.
"Wasn't me!" Nora mouthed, and Jules just flipped the bird at her.

"Why do you always find a new way to embarrass me, my dear?" Jules asked Nora with a playful scowl after she had finished her call with Tom.
"Oh, come on, Julesy – that one was an open invitation!" Nora teased her.
"I hate you!" Jules cackled.

Tom was still chuckling under his breath when he was back on set. Simon looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "How's the girl doing?"
"She's just fine. But we both are slowly going nuts without each other", Tom sighed. "Plus, her best friend decided to tease Jules again and that whole call ended in a major laughing fit." He paused for a second. "I am still trying to recover from it, actually."
"I am glad the two of you reconciled and are a couple now! Because honestly, Tom – you weren't exactly a pretty sight when you had sorta broken up."
"I know." He ran a hand through his hair. "Jules wasn't either, from what I have been told. I really hurt her, so I am of course over the moon that she's forgiven me and that she's my girlfriend now." He smiled. "I love her more than words can say and I can't wait to be reunited with her."

...which finally happened a couple of days later. Jules had been busy to prepare the loft for Tom's return. Fresh sheets, cleaning, the whole nine yards. And as she was doing so, she realized it was no longer just "her" loft. It was their home, hers and Tom's. Then again – Tom was "home". His love was home. His heart was home. His arms were home. And she knew he felt the same about her. She was sure the second they saw each other again the canoodling would start. She smiled at the thought of it. Not too long ago, she hadn't imagined to ever share her life again with someone, a man, that is, but the moment she had met Tom, everything started to change. "How did I get so lucky?" she muttered under her breath before she headed out to pick him up at the airport.

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