Chapter 11: "Invisible Touch"

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"How about a couple of days before Christmas?" Tom texted Jules, included a pic from the set in South Africa and hoped she'd reply soon – and that he would get to spend time with her again.
Jules smiled widely. "Absolutely", she wrote back. "Can't wait to see you! <3"
Nora raised an eyebrow. "A certain someone?"
Jules nodded. "Yep, we're fixing the South Africa thing right now." Her eyes were sparkling while she texted him back.
"Look who's in looooooooove!" Nora teased her.
Jules rolled her eyes. "Nope. However, I am looking forward to seeing him again."
"And from that moment on, he'll run away with your heart."
Jules grinned and flipped the bird.

"All booked. See you soon! <3"

"I don't deserve him", Jules mumbled, and sighed.
"You deserve him more than anything", Nora replied. "How long?"
"A couple of days. Before Christmas."
"Ho! Ho! Ho!"
"Did you just call me a ...hoe?" Jules said with a laugh.

Tom, meanwhile, looked at a photo of Jules before shooting a scene. "Soon, my love, soon", he said quietly. "Can't wait to hug you, and get lost in your eyes again." He sensed that the first feelings he had for her would intensify while Jules was there with him, and he certainly didn't mind. On the contrary ... He also secretly started a little countdown until it was time for him to pick her up and smiled at the prospect to be reunited with Jules.

"We'll have a guest soon. Jules, my new PR gal", he announced to the crew. "I thought it'd be fun for her to see first hand how we're filming here."
"Wasn't your sister doing that kinda thing?" Simon Pegg, alias "Benji" asked.
"Yeah, but we decided to bring fresh blood in, and trust me when I say, we found someone who's kick-ass." And whom I have a bit of a crush on already.
"Cool, can't wait to meet her then! When will she pop up?"
"Soon. She'll stay for a couple of days, so y'all behave, okay?"

Jules was impatiently awaiting the day of her departure to South Africa and seeing Tom again. Nora watched her friend slightly amused. "Told ya, sweetie, he's got you reeled in. Not that cult, obviously, but definitely in his heart."
"And what about my heart? Can I please decide for myself if I let him in?" Jules fired back.
"I think you've made that decision already, Jules. Ever since you met him, he's been constantly on your mind. And no, you cannot deny that, girl. I know you better than anyone else on this planet!" she bragged.
"For fuck's sake, Nora!" Jules replied with a chuckle. "Okay, I am going to spend some time with him again. That is all."
"Yes, but – he asked you to. He wants you there."
"I know." She looked at her friend. "And I am looking forward to it."
"See?" Nora replied. "If you do fall in love – let it happen. I have an inkling that he really is the one to win your heart."

A few days later, Nora dropped her off at the airport. "Safe travels, love. And – good luck with that heart of yours!"
"For that, I'd need to have feelings for him ...but ...nope."
"Happens sooner than you'd think at times." Nora held Jules's face in both hands and looked at her. "You wouldn't travel there if you didn't at least like him a bit more than you should."
They hugged goodbye and Jules prepared herself for a journey to visit the one person who could become a real danger to her, her heart, her world. But sometimes, the danger was oh-so-sweet. She grinned: "Coming for you, Tom – and probably also for your heart."

"Right, time to pick up Jules", Tom announced to the staff. "I'll be doing it myself, so don't worry about it. Won't be long!"
Said and done. He was again early at the airport and could barely contain the excitement to have Jules back. He spotted her immediately. "Hey!" he said, walking up to her.
"Hey", she replied, looking straight into his eyes again. "Give us a hug!"
"Sure." He wrapped her in his arms, pulled her as tight as possible to his body. Close enough for Jules to feel his heartbeat.
GodDAMN, I missed those hugs ... "So, told the crew already that I'll be messing y'all up?" she said with a grin.
"Yep." Tom grabbed her luggage, and this time, he made secretly sure that he'd touch her hand again. Jules let it happen. "Ever flown in a heli?" he asked when they reached a heli pad.
"Not yet." She looked at him. "Tell me you didn't fly that thing yourself out here to pick me up?"
"Almost." He grinned. "Got someone to fly it, but I could actually do it myself."
"Is there anything you CAN'T do?"
"There are still some things left, yes. But I love learning, so who knows?" They looked into each other's eyes again for a bit. This time, Jules had her guard up again. She was simply overwhelmed. Tom had invited her to his set, where he was filming his latest flick. She'd get to hang with a bunch of actors, actresses, the director, all those important people. Something that once would have only been some kind of pipe dream, but which now turned into reality. "Don't stop believin', hold on to that feelin'!" she hummed.
Tom held open the helicopter door for her. "After you", he said. The heli's pilot looked at the two: "So that's the PR lady?"
"Hi", Jules said and waved. She looked at Tom: "You're sitting in front?"
He shook his head. "Nope." He sat down next to her and gave her a smile again. "All good?" He had noticed that Jules all of a sudden was completely locked inside herself again.
"What is that thing with us?" she asked almost imperceptible.
"I don't know ..." he replied, looking at her. Other than the fact that I do like you, and might end up having a bit of a crush ...
"You guys ready?" the pilot asked. Tom gave him a thumbs up. They took off.

During the flight, Jules kept looking out as much as possible. She was fascinated with the landscape, and yet ...her hand moved a bit closer to Tom's, until her right pinky touched his left. Fucking do it, Jules, touch his hand ... She glanced sideways, her head only a bit turned towards him.
He had gotten the hint, anyway – he nodded for a split second, closing his eyes as well while he did so. Jules understood as well, and decided to hold his hand during the flight. Tom carefully caressed hers. Ooof, Jules ... She felt a bit of a current running through her. Was Nora right and he did win her over?
Tom smiled happily. He had hoped to get a bit closer to her while she was visiting him, but by no means had he expected her to touch his hand the way she did. What are you doing to me, girl?
"This bird is about to touch down again", the pilot announced, and Jules let go of his hand again. She could still claim that she had done it for safety reasons. That she had felt a bit insecure during the flight which is why she had grabbed the next best thing ...which was Tom's hand. Which was, obviously, absolute bullshit, but who cared? All she did know was that she felt inexplicably drawn to him. Hook, line and sinker.

Tom helped her getting off the heli, and introduced her to the film crew. Jules was still completely in awe to be around all those important people, although she had been working for various top notch athletes already. In a previous life, that is. "Is this just a bloody dream and I am waking up in a bit?" she said.
Tom looked at her: "It's real, Jules. You're here. With me." Those eyes ...
She smiled. "Thank you for inviting me."

Jules was watching the filming from a chair Tom had organized for her. She snapped a photo to send to Nora: "Is this the real life?!"
"Where's your man?" Nora replied.
If only you knew what I was doing earlier... "Filming, obviously. Just because he's invited me, it doesn't mean he's around me 24/7 and not leaving my side." She trusted Nora more than anyone else in the world, but she couldn't bring herself yet to inform her best friend about the moments on the helicopter when she had held hands with Tom. But that was about the highest amount of affection she'd allowed herself to. No matter how much they both seemed to have enjoyed it. She could not risk any more than that.

Tom was sauntering over after being done with a scene, looked at her lovingly almost and sat down next to her. "Hope this isn't boring for you?"
"Not at all!" She looked at him. "I can't wait to watch that one on the big screen."
"By the way, there's a fight scene coming up tomorrow. You might want to have a closer look at that, since you said you knew self defense ..."
"Don't you dare tempt me!" she said with a chuckle. "You know I could hurt you easily."
"I know!" They locked eyes for a moment. Tom felt a pleasant tingle all over his body. Jules sure had something about her that he found endearing, and he suddenly was aware that he could fall for her sooner than he'd ever expected. But just like Jules, he also knew that maybe that wasn't exactly a very good idea, so he decided to hide potential feelings as good as possible.

Jules had to yawn. "Sorry, fucking jetlag is getting to me a bit."
"No prob. Just let me know when you need a nap whatsoever and I'll take care of that."
I don't deserve this man at all ... "Thanks, that's really sweet of you!"
"Any time, Jules. I want you to feel welcome here", he said with a smile that was touching his eyes again.
She returned the smile. Now we're flirting via smiles, alright.
"Okay, gotta continue with this scene, but as I've said – if there is anything you need, let the crew or me know and we'll take care of it." Why is she so freakin' cute?

Tom returned to the set, while Jules kept looking on. Never in her life had she thought it possible to end up at a set of a film that was currently being made, let alone be involved in one way or another with the main star of said film. "Fuck's sake, Jules – this is it. You've done it. Big time", she muttered to herself.

"So, you're Tom's new PR gal?" Simon said a bit later.
"As I live and breathe."
"Nice meeting you! Your first time on set?"
Jules nodded. "I was working with athletes first and foremost, but also musicians at times. Film is an entirely new part of my portfolio, but I am enjoying it so far." She ran a hand through her hair. "For the past years, I was also mainly free-lancing, so this gig here is beyond everything I've ever dreamed of."
"Uhm, Simon? That's my PR gal", Tom suddenly said. He had sneaked up to them without them noticing. "Don't you dare snatch her away from me!"
"Are we being jealous, Tom?" Jules fired back.
"No. But what's mine is mine!" he said with a laugh.

"And though she'll mess up your life
You'll want her just the same, and now I know
She has a built-in ability
To take everything she sees
And now it seems I've fallen, fallen for her

She seems to have an invisible touch, yeah
She reaches in and grabs right hold of your heart"

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