Chapter 8: "Open Your Heart"

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Her time in Clearwater was almost over. Jules sat in her den, thinking of her talks with Tom and how she had allowed him a glimpse into her inner world. As she was doing so, she also was working on a text Lee Anne had asked her to, and listening to her beloved 80s playlist. She had left the door open, in case ...

Tom suddenly appeared in his entire glory. "Hey", he greeted her.
She looked up from her laptop and grinned: "Hey!"
"And here I thought you'd be a rocker", he said when he noticed the 80s music.
"Well, I am! But I love listening to 80s when I am working on something. Gives me a certain flow and state of mind to stay focused."
"Pretty awesome", he replied and suddenly had an idea. "Come", he said and smiled.
"Where to?" she asked.
"You'll see. But bring that playlist!"
"Tom! What the heck..!?"
He chuckled and sauntered off. Jules did her best to follow him, carrying her laptop. I seriously can't with this guy ...
"Here we go!" he said and led her into the Vault Room.
Jules looked around for a moment. "Would you please be so kind and let me know what the heck you have in mind?"
"I mean, today's your last full day here, so let's have a little 'Goodbye Jules' party!"
"Dammit, Tom, you're nuts. Really", she replied with a chuckle. "But I like it!"

After setting up the laptop and Jules starting the playlist, they were just having some fun. Talking, Jules bopping along to her playlist, and Tom realized that he would definitely miss her. Maybe more than he'd care to admit. Jules quickly got up and checked, turned around and said, "Next one's a really good one! But I do warn you – I might just get up, 'dance' around and lip synch it."
"Bring it on!" he replied with a hearty laugh.
Madonna's "Open Your Heart" came on. "Watch out!" Jules not just lip synched, but actually said along with Madonna. Tom raised an eyebrow. Within seconds, Jules turned into a whirlwind, and Tom couldn't resist the urge – he joined in. By the time the chorus came around the first time, they were so into it that they forgot everything around them and simply let loose.

They hadn't noticed that Connor, Tom's adopted son, had stopped by in the door frame and had been informing the sisters to come up and check out what was going on.
"What IS it with these two?" Marian asked.
"I don't know", Lee Anne replied. "She makes him happy, and we should respect that, whether she's a Scientologist or not."
"Absolutely", Cass agreed. They quietly left again.

When the song was finished, Tom and Jules plonked down and had another laugh. "How old are we? Sixteen?" she chuckled.
"Something like that." He looked at her, almost lovingly. "Thanks for that, Jules." It will be hard to let you go tomorrow ...
"Anytime!" she replied with a smile.
"I love your wild side, definitely."
"I know you do."
They didn't say anything for a moment, just looked at each other. It's almost as if that song was foreshadowing ... Tom thought. Because if he was brutally honest with himself, the sparks had been flying for a short moment. He wasn't in love with her by a long shot, but he certainly liked her. More than he probably should.

Later that evening, all of them were hanging out together on the "pool deck", having a couple of laughs, and using the little party as a send off for Jules. She didn't like being the center of attention at all, but she couldn't deny that she loved how nice the sisters and Connor were towards her. Deep down inside her, a little alarm went off, though – what if this was all a charade to make her follow the teachings of Scientology as well?
She noticed how Tom barely left her side, as if he wanted to make sure that she had a good time. Or was there more to this? She had no idea. She just knew that she felt good around him. All of a sudden, her phone buzzed. "Whoops, sorry", she said and looked at the display. "Nora. Won't be long!"
Back in her den, she answered the call. "Sorry you had to wait a moment. Tom's throwing me a 'goodbye party'", she explained.
"He WHAT!?" Nora couldn't help but chuckle. "Tell me again how he is not smitten with you and vice versa."
Jules rolled her eyes. "For the fifty millionth time – I am not in love with him by a long shot. He's a sweet guy, but that's about it. Rule Number One in immediate effect, and well, there's still you-know-what."
"If you say so ..." Nora continued teasing her. "But anyway, wanted to make sure when I need to pick you up again at the airport."
"If nothing changes, I should touch down around 2pm."
"Gotcha." Nora shortly paused. "Also, have you kissed him, yet?"
"For fuck's sake", Jules giggled. "If you are so curious – the closest I was to him was the other day on his bike, when I was riding pillion. That's about it. No kisses, no hickeys, no feelings. Plain and simple."
"Well, whatever, Jules. I am willing to bet that it won't be long and you two are an item."

Jules returned to the little party, still shaking her head and giggling. "Nora and her goddamn ...!" she said.
Tom moved an inch closer to her. "What's she done now?"
"Can't tell. It's basically an ongoing joke between me and her that people who don't know won't even remotely understand." She had noticed how Tom had gotten even a bit closer to her than before. Careful, Jules ... he's fucking hot, yes, but this whole Scientology stuff is so off-putting! She glanced sideways and noticed that his hand was about to touch hers.

"It was definitely nice to have you around for a couple of days", Lee Anne said.
"Yeah, absolutely enjoyed my stay here", Jules replied. Tom didn't say anything. He was just standing there, looking at Jules. A penny for your thoughts ...
I do not want to let you go tomorrow ...  And if he was brutally honest again, the flying sparks from earlier were back. Jules was about to catch his heart in a way he had been unprepared for. "I was hoping you would", he finally said. "Bike ride included."
Jules grinned. "And as I've said, my Fireblade would love to meet your Duc."
"Oh, absolutely!" He looked directly into her eyes again. Those eyes which had the power to look straight down into the depths of his soul. Those eyes he loved to get lost in.
Jules held his gaze. They didn't say a word for a while, just locked their eyes. Jules knew that she was nearing the point of no return. The guy was a red flag. A VERY red flag. But here she was – drawn to him in a way she couldn't even remotely explain.

"Those were the looks he already gave her in Berlin", Lee Anne quietly said.
"Oy vey! So he's falling for her?" Cass asked.
"He might", Lee Anne replied.

When he drove Jules to the airport the next day, Tom was already feeling all kinds of emotions. He wasn't in love with her, yet. But at the same time, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He kept mulling over their conversation from the other day, when she had opened up a little bit to him. She was an enigma still, but he also felt that he could, at some point, solve the riddle.

"When will I see you again?" he asked at the airport.
"That's up to you, Tom. I am at your service." Another long look into each other's eyes. "But I guess you might be traveling a lot for filming in the upcoming months."
"I am sure I'll always make time for my PR girl", he said and smiled at her. But Jules sensed that he was actually not really feeling that smile.
"Hey, I won't be gone forever."
"I know." I do not want to let you go ...stay...
They hugged tightly, and when Jules went through security, he secretly formed a heart with his hands. "You're the one", he muttered.

Back home, he clearly was upset. Lee Anne decided to sit him down. "Tom, are you in love?"
He shook his head. "I just like spending time with Jules. She's hilariously funny. She's wild. She's smart. She ..." He didn't know how to phrase it best without giving away that he indeed started to have the first, very gentle feelings for her. "You know, underneath all that sass, all that tough-as-nails behavior, she's a vulnerable, sensitive person. She just doesn't show it."
"So that's it? She's like you underneath it all?"
"Yeah," he said. "And that's why I clicked with her the moment we met."

"Open your heart to me, baby
I hold the lock and you hold the key
Open your heart to me, darling,
I'll give you love if you, you turn the key"

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