Chapter 5: "She Drives Me Crazy"

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Tom had just fallen on his bed when his thoughts returned to Jules. He was lying on his back, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't get her out of his head anymore. The way she had seen his soul had blown him away. It was then when he realized that he hadn't seen any other photos of her, other than the ones from her profile, and that, for some reason, he had never even bothered to look her up on the web. If he was brutally honest to himself, he already liked her a lot more than he in any way or form should. Maybe he even was on the verge of having a bit of a crush, but he also was aware that Jules was the polar opposite to the teachings of Scientology, and that he'd need a huge miracle to make her follow those teachings as well. It was not just done with charming her and all. And he also was sure that, if he should fall in love with her in the long run – because there simply WAS something about her that he couldn't explain – it wasn't the proper way to her heart. As guarded as she was ...and then he remembered the split second when she had let her guard down and made it sound like she certainly didn't mind him riding pillion on her Honda. As in, close to her. Arms around her. He smiled and fell asleep.

Jules was typing some emails she still had to finish before she'd be once and for all on Tom's team. She hated herself for it – for once, her time management hadn't fully worked out the way she had wanted it to, but when one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry asks you out for dinner, you bloody accept. Or something like that. She allowed herself a short break and thought back of that evening, and how well she and Tom had gotten along, although they had just met. The memory of it made her smile. His laugh when she had told him the date story where Nora had called her "my girlfriend". The way he looked at her ...and her bike, obviously. If all else fell through, they at least would have their shared passion for motorcycles to bond over. For the time being, that was enough. She also decided not to let him get too close to her, even though she had made that little faux pas when she suggested the bike ride together. She shook her head and grinned.

Later that day, Nora showed up again. "So, has he melted your heart already?"
"Nora, can we fucking STOP with that topic already? I still don't have any feelings for him, aside from the fact that we both love bikes. Need me to spell it out for you again? R.E.D. F.L.A.G." Jules pretended to be super-annoyed.
"I love it, Jules. I love teasing the shit out of you."
"I know you do." She sighed. "But honestly, Nora – you know it, and I know it: Rule Number One. I shall not deny that he's very handsome, but that is about it."
"See!?" Nora teased her. "Jules has a cruuuuuuuush!"
"Fuck you."
Both had a little laugh, but then Jules got serious again quickly. "You know what I really do believe?"
"Tell me!"
"That underneath all those Scientology shenanigans, he's a good guy. He just lost his way at some point and found this 'religion' to cope."
Nora looked at her friend. "You think?"
Jules nodded. "I think I'm not the only one who is wearing some armor ..." She paused for a moment. "You know, during our dinner date, he made some compliments, and you know my issue with accepting them. I look up again, directly into his eyes, holding his gaze. And that was the moment I had this feeling that underneath it all, he's ..." She couldn't find the correct word.
"Broken?" Nora offered.
"I don't know if I'd call it that. But from what I understand, his childhood wasn't easy at all, and his Dad abused him. And who knows, that might have left some scars. Scars he doesn't want to show."
Nora looked at Jules again, wondering where on Earth her friend got the ability from to read people this good. She herself was very good at it, and the only person who could see through Jules's façade when her guard went up again, but Jules took this even further. The scary part was that she usually was dead on with her observations. "I hope you're right ..." she muttered and hugged Jules. It was the first time since Jules had met Tom that she'd shown the slightest trace of emotions towards him.

Since the weather was gorgeous the next day, Jules decided to go for a ride again. She needed to feel this absolute freedom again whenever she sat on her Fireblade. But first ...
"Uhm, Nora?"
"What's it, love?"
She handed her the blue phone. "Take a pic of me on this sexy beast."
"For Tom?"
Jules nodded, and Nora giggled. "Didn't I say that you're so totally flirting with him?"
She grinned. "Who knows?" she said with a wink.
"Fuck this shit about just ONE pic for the man. I'll take several ones!"
But Nora already snapped away – of Jules mounting the bike, sitting on the bike with her helmet off, helmet on, visor open. "And if your man doesn't fall for you now, he never will!" she teased her.
"I *told* you he isn't 'my man', and he'll never be, for fuck's sake!" she replied with a laugh.
Nora chuckled and handed the phone back to Jules. "Here you go! And now make him weak in his knees!"
Jules flipped the bird and rode off. Having arrived in one of her favorite spots in the city, she parked her Fireblade and took out her phone ...

Tom was just having breakfast with his sisters, when his phone buzzed. "'Phoenix' has sent photos" was all it took for him. "Be right back", he announced and went away to have a look what she'd sent him.
"What's that now?" Cass wondered.
"It starts with J, I am sure," Lee Anne replied.

Tom opened the photos. "My God, you're a hot one", he mumbled, not sure if he really meant the bike. A flash of absolute bliss ran through him, as it had only been yesterday that he had realized that he didn't have any photos of Jules anywhere. Now he got some. Of her on her bike. In all her sass and glory. He grinned happily and replied, "Playdate at some point?" He closed the message again and returned to his sisters.

"Well?" Lee Anne asked him.
"Well what?"
"Tom, ever since you've met Jules ..."
She didn't get any further, as Tom looked at her slightly annoyed: "For the umpteenth time – I am not in love with her! Also, who says that it was her who sent me a message?"
Marian piped up: "If it wasn't your latest flame, you wouldn't have left the room. Easy."
He rolled his eyes and just muttered, "What. Ever."

Jules grinned widely when she read his reply. "It's so on, Tom", she chuckled and typed: "Ready when you are!"

After she had returned to her loft, she peeled herself out of her leathers and happily whistled a tune before taking a quick shower.
It didn't take long for Nora to ring her: "So, when do I need to book your hen party?"
"Never", Jules replied with the patience of a saint. "He just liked the photos, that is all."
Nora didn't let her off the hook that easily: "Oh come ON, Jules! That was one cute little photoshoot we did! And if he doesn't have the hots for you now, then I don't even know."

Neither of them could know that Tom had thought exactly that earlier when he'd seen the photos.

"She drives me crazy
Like no one else
She drives me crazy
And I can't help myself"

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