chapter 04: first concert

Start from the beginning

After brushing her long hair and spraying just a bit of body splash on, she got out of the room and greeted Scooter, Allison, Kenny, Pattie, Alfredo, and Mama Jan, who were all sitting around a huge breakfast table in the living room area. She had met everyone the day before, so she just seated right next to Alfredo and fixed herself a slice of toast with an overload of Nutella spread on it.

"How are you liking Paris, Mackenzie?"- Mama Jan asked, sipping on some hot coffee- "Pattie said you and Ryan went out to see the city!"

"I'm loving it so much! We went everywhere and I got to see a bunch of cool stuff. I've been here before, but I was so young I didn't remember anything!"- she said, smiling at the thought of the day before.

"I'm glad you had fun, honey!"- Pattie said- "Oh, before I forget. Ryan told me to remember you to take your medicine after you're done eating!"

"Medicine?"- Scooter asked, raising an eyebrow as he put some more yogurt into the bowl of fruits in front of him.

"It's just something to prevent me from having migraines. Always had them and it absolutely sucks! - she explained, taking one more bite of her sweet breakfast.

"Make sure to take them, sweetie"- Pattie reminded- "And if, by any ways, you feel anything, just don't hesitate to tell me!"

"Sure, thanks Pattie"- Mackenzie smiled- "I'll grab it in a minute, it's in the back of my phone case".

Scooter's phone beeped and he looked at the notification before starting a new subject:

"So, what about Justin? If we're really canceling, I need to make the call as soon as possible."

"What do you think, Pattie?"- Allison asked.

"I'll check his temperature again in a while. I really want him to do the concert, but I really can't let him go on stage if he's shivering with a fever".

"Yeah, I wouldn't agree with it either. If his temperature is still high, it's best to keep him from pushing too much and getting even worst"- Mama Jan added.

"Where's him now?"- Alfredo asked the question that Mackenzie avoided. She noticed he wasn't eating with everyone else. She wondered if he was still asleep even after sleeping the whole day yesterday.

"Grounded"- Pattie simply answered.

"That bad?"

"I know he's not feeling well, but I'm sick and tired of him being disrespectful"- Pattie blurted out "He threw a fit when the doctor came, didn't let me or him take his temperature, is refusing to eat... He better get his act together otherwise I'm taking his phone and videogame for a week. He's just making it harder for himself".

"You took his phone?"- Alfredo asked.

"Yes. His videogame and the TV remote as well".

"Shit, Pattie"- Fredo chuckled- "Badass!"

"It breaks my heart to do it, but he's really not himself these days. I left him crying but I think he's asleep now"-she said- "Actually, he's been crying an awful much lately... it's getting me worried".

"Well, I really hope his fever broke"- Allison frowned- "And I hope Mackenzie can help to cheer him up a bit, as well. I know he's been lashing out, but the kid is working like an adult".

Just as Mackenzie served herself a glass of Minute-Maid apple juice, they all heard Justin's voice calling, the sound muffled by the closed door:

"Mom, can I go out?"

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